Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Happy September

How can it honestly be September?? Of 2010?? What?

Well, Happy September folks. Ready or not.

I had my first official day of classes today, and it was a sort of weird, back-to-reality day, I guess. My last first day of school, ever!!! Wahhhh!! What a bizarre thought. When you think about it, most of you that are around my age have spent the last 16+ years having continuous "first days" and now, those times are coming to an end. I actually got up earlier than I had to (my first class is at 150 everyday) to attend chapel at school..

It was great. I always struggle to focus at chapel because it's so easy to pick people out of the crowd that I know, or don't know, but I have a hard time listening. For some reason today, my mind was just on the message. One of the main points that I got out of the talk was that it is so incredibly important, and VITAL to our relationship with Jesus, to take things just ONE DAY AT A TIME. It's so simple, but for me, so difficult. Especially this week, I find myself looking in my planner at September 30th, because that is when I get to see Dust. And I think about the obstacles in my way that come before that date, and it prevents me from truly enjoying being in the now. I have to work on this so hard, I've struggled with it my whole life. Not that there is anything wrong with looking forward to things, but when it gets in the way of enjoying each minute, it almost becomes more of a burden, at least for me. The message of living one day at a time later was tied into focusing on your treasure. The speaker kept referring to our treasure as being "that ONE thing." Whatever that is. Work, school, friends, relationship, family, success, money, whatever. I thought about a number of things that often get into the way of my relationship that I have with Jesus. I have struggled hardcore with these things especially this summer when I have been so caught up in figuring out things for my last years in college... Dusty leaving and wanting adequate time with him BEFORE leaving... Working random hours at random jobs to try and make a little money... Having time with the friends that were in town. In all the time that I did have, the free time that was always there either early in the day, or at night, I often turned to God as a last resort. It's kind of embarrassing to admit that. But that's why I have my goals for this year. That's why I chose to get up at 830 when I didn't have anywhere to be until noon. I'm quite proud of myself actually. Not for being diligent about how I spent my day, but because the first thing that I did today was get up to go and learn about Jesus. Not to mention, the last thing I did before I went to bed last night was spend time worshipping God with a close circle of friends, just because!

Okay, actually the last thing I did before I went to bed was watch an episode of Family Guy. That's a little contradicting, eh?

I'm not trying to put myself on a pedestal or anything by bragging up my efforts these past couple days. I just enjoy and feel encouraged to share whatever is on my heart regarding my relationship with God and how I want it to grow and change this last year of school. When I think about all that lies ahead for me this year, I go nuts. I feel almost an adrenaline rush about all the possibilities and I just wonder to myself, "Where is God in all this?!" I am just dying to know what he has planned for me and I wanna know NOW!! But I am striving SO HARD, to just take it one day at a time. It's amazing how when you do live like that, just living for now, how you notice the beauty of God in all the little details. That's almost how my day went today.

(DUSTIN: If you are reading this, I hope you are happy with a little bit of a smirk on your face. Do you like how I did a post on taking things one day at a time??! EVERYONE ELSE: Dust happens to be quite wise and mature for a 22 year old and that has been a theme in our relationship since we first started dating. I hate to admit that he is so on the dot with advice sometimes, just because I am a stubborn little smoo sometimes. Don't worry about smoo, it's an inside joke.)

ANYWAYS..... speaking of little details, I hope you enjoy the pictures here. MJ found the tiniest, cutest little froggy last night chillin' on our front door step. We invited him into our home, made him feel comfortable, and he decided to warm up and take some pictures with us. What a simple but amazing thing, huh??!

In case you are wondering... the shirts? Yea, those are the amazing Nordic Contracting Company shirts from Randi's dad. We've worn them the past two, three nights? Well, I have anyway. Don't judge.

Wow, how was that for a brief little first day of school update? I kinda feel like I go off on major tangents when I write on here. If I do, I apologize. Only because that is like my biggest pet peeve when people get on a major tangent. Who knows why. Can't wait to keep updating this thing, I am having so much fun you guys! I hope that someone is actually reading this so that 'you guys' remark isn't pathetic!!



Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

Hey Girl! I'm reading :) Love it! Great post and WONDERFUL reminder... Keep going girl! One-day-at-a-time is one of the hardest things in a culture that is just so go,go,go/what's next. I love that you are honest and open. When we surrender the hardest parts... clarity happens and God seems SO much closer! Exciting times!!!

Casey Miller Wahl said...

Thanks for the comment Ria! You were the very first person to ever comment on my blog, YAY!!

I totally agree. When you slow down and just enjoy every second, as best you can, then life just seems to be that much more enjoyable. I love finding God in the little details.

I'm so excited you are reading! Thanks!!