Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's 2008, isn't it? Oh good gosh....

That title relates to NOTHING other than sweet old Bernice, who said those exact words to me today. For some reason, I find it really cute/funny that she can't remember what year it is. At 93, what difference does it make? Really?

Here is just another thing that makes me laugh SO hard...

Other than that, there isn't much to update on this Thursday. I spent the day hanging out with Bernice, than working at the nursing home. I have had my elderly fix for the weekend. It's true.

I have also reached my limit with spending/shopping. I went to Target tonight with Maddie and this is what I bought:
-Baked Lays Potato Chips
-Baby Powder
Were any of these items NECESSARY at all? Nope.
I can't go to Target anymore. I buy the most random, useless stuff.

I'm having coffee with my Aunt Carol tomorrow. I can't wait. I love Carol. I love all my aunties.

I can't get the fishy crackers sound out of my head. I just die everytime I watch it.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, Maddie, Jack and I devoured the Nutella purchased tonight after dipping pretzels in it while watching Sixteen Candles. Which is a really good movie that none of us had ever seen before. It's rated PG, and within the first five minutes, they dropped an F-bomb??! What?! Is that allowed? I know it's from the 80's, but I was shocked. Weird.

Anyone else have fun plans for the weekend? Better yet, is anyone even out there? Can anybody hear me? Does anybody read this?

I feel like a bit of a loser. Like a small fish in a giant blogging pond.

Hopefully I will have better things to write about tomorrow. I feel like this post lacked in terms of interesting things to say.

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