Tuesday, August 31, 2010

XOXO, You know you love me

Bethel University could use its very own gossip girl. I should be that girl. Except for gossiping is banned from the Covenant, so instead we will call is Scandalmonger Girl, because according to the thesaurus in my dashboard, scandalmonger is another word for 'she's such a gossip!' This was all KJ's idea. See how I already fit the role? I use initials for my friends names.

I'm totally kidding about all this, by the way. I just am extremely bored, sitting in Royal Grounds watching the same people walk by back and forth. They are all looking at me probably thinking that I have no life, which is partly true. I'm beginning to wonder if it was a mistake not taking classes Tuesdays and Thursdays, but then again, who am I kidding? NOT having class on these days is amazing!! And I deserve it. I do. The last four semesters I have taken 17-18 credits and it sucked. Especially when half those classes were history classes, which meant I sat amongst a crowd of hard core intellectuals who know everything about ANYTHING. And the other half were education classes, which I don't even feel like wasting my time reflecting on. But yea, I guess I can get used to the fact that I am going to be THAT girl that sits at the same table in grounds, sitting on Facebook, glaring at the Sodexo workers that manage to make about 3-4 coffee orders in a fifty minute period.

I had a really good last couple of days, considering the fact that Dustin has been gone. Last night, I got the chance to spend time with two of my dearest friends, Randal and Madelyn (technically not their names, but kind of at the same time). We went to RJ's sisters house with another Jacobsen, Maggie, and just had the best time. If you are ever dealing with the loss of your boyfriend due to long distance, I highly recommend spending some quality time with other girls. It's the best therapy ever. I never knew just how perfect it could be catching up with two of my favorite people. RJ lives in New Jersey, and therefore spends the summers there, so I go 3 months every year without seeing her at all. And Maddogg just got back from a missions experience in New Zealand and Vanuatu through YWAM, and she was gone for FIVE MONTHS! With little to no communication. Needless to say, I was not only in need of girl time, but I was in serious need of MJ/RJ time. I got my fix :) Can I just say something? I have some really great friends. I've thought a lot lately about the things in my life that I really should feel thankful for. Friends is definitely one of those things that I really feel overly grateful for. Especially for those that I have met and grown so close with in college. What a blessing. It was so great just being able to jab and talk all night with Mad and Rand. And seriously so great to have them back! I think my highlight of the night was right before I went to bed... when Randal entered my room holding a neon green t-shirt, in MY SIZE, from her dad's company. It's the best, I have always wanted a t-shirt that color and now, I have one! Thanks Mr. Jacobsen. And thanks, Randal.

Oh, sidenote. For those of you wondering how to pronounce Vanuatu. It's VAN-A-WA-TU. Not VAN-A-TU, like I told probably twenty people while Mads was gone.

In other news, it's been weird being back on campus, but great to reconnect with certain people that I haven't seen in a long time. I'm a little freaked out that I am already a senior in college. What?! How the heck did this happen?? But I am also very excited to see what is in store for me this year. Not just me, actually, but to see what happens for everyone else around here too. One random thing that I have enjoyed hearing: friends coming up to me saying they have read my blog!! Thanks, you guys. Love ya all.

In conclusion, I want to leave you all with this bible verse. It is a verse that I believe speaks to the idea of gossip that I jokingly mentioned at the beginning of this post. Katie J, listen up.

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:3

Mhhhmmm. I think that pretty much says it all ;-)
You know you love me.... XOXO

-Scandalmonger Girl

PS... did anyone watch the YouTube vid I posted? If not, DO IT NOW!!!!!

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