Friday, September 10, 2010


I'm baaaaackkkkkkk! After a FULL night of sleep (12 hours, to be exact!) I am ready to go, recharged and energized for the weekend. I slept in until ten today, took my time getting ready, got myself McDonald's for lunch, with a deliciously wonderful $1 large Diet Coke to fuel that energy that I just mentioned. Dusty told me last week that Diet Coke from McDonald's isn't nearly as good in other states. Has anyone else ever noticed how amazing DC tastes from McDonald's though?? It's my second love.

I am very very excited about this upcoming weekend. First of all, who doesn't love Fridays? I bet you would love them even more if you are like me and have just one class, which isn't until 2:50 :-) Sorry to rub it in. Today is my friend Kenzie's birthday! Some of my friends and I are going out tonight to celebrate. I'm not quite sure where but, WE'RE GOIN! Kenzie is 22 today! A little fun fact: This will be her last birthday as a single lady. Kenzie is getting married to Grant next summer, another day that I will surely look forward to also! Anyway, I'm very excited to be with some of my girlfriends tonight. Tomorrow, Bethel plays at home against Concordia-Wisconsin, which to me officially symbolizes Fall in Minnesota. Since I have been attending football games my entire life on Saturdays, they have become just one of those events that make me really feel like it is in fact my favorite time of the year :-) I love fall. I am planning on getting a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks before the game, just to celebrate the season.

After the game, Callie and I are going to celebrate Dust and Callie's cousins birthday, and then seeing Eat Pray Love. Anyone else seen it, and liked it? If you didn't like it, then keep your mouth shut and don't ruin it for me!! Bernice gave me two movie vouchers yesterday to AMC theaters. They expire in like two weeks and she assured me that she won't use them so I gladly took them off her hands! Sunday, I work at EagleCrest in the morning and then plan on spending the afternoon researching historiography topics for my Senior Seminar paper. I think out of the whole weekend, Sunday will probs end up being my least favorite day. Maybe not though.

I got a call from Dusty today. He is in Cape Cod at the moment, got lost on foot this morning a couple of times. I AM SO JEALOUS! All these places I've never been.... Why does college exist to get in the way of joining him on the journey??? We just got off the phone with each other and he was talking about how much his dad loved Cape Cod. "Wade loved Cape Cod so much, that's why he wore capes all the time." :-) Now I don't know about you, but that makes me smile. I like to think that Dusty may have gotten his sense of humor largely in part from his dad.

Well, I just unloaded another load of laundry at work in Central Issue. Some may think that it's disgusting I work in an athletic laundry room, but it got a tiny bit not-as-bad of a job to do today. For incredibly obvious reasons I always scrub the dickens out of my hands after I handle dirty laundry, and therefore, my hands get extremely dry. I also ran out of lotion the other day and so I was in a bit of a crisis. Well, the crisis is no longer because I treated myself to a nice new bottle of hand lotion from Aveda. If you have ever tried this lotion, you know that it works miracles on the hands, not to mention it smells amazing too. I was first introduced to it last year when Callie gave it to me for a Christmas gift and I have been in love with it ever since. So Cal, I know you are reading this, and I know you are proud of me and maybe even a little jealous of my lotion. And I know that the last two paragraphs of this blog post made you smile at least a little bit!

Time to go, have a FABULOUS weekend everybody!!!!


Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

Hey Girl! Happpy Friday :) I wish we were going to a football game tomorrow... Bummer! Have a lot of fun! P.S. you should "link" up on my fabulous Friday post today... new friends and blog followers! It is so fun! Bless you!

Casey Miller Wahl said...

Hey! I just did it... hope it worked? I am still so new at this, so I will double check to see!

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

It worked :) Sweeeet!