Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wednesday = What I've been up to

Life is good. Enjoying my last week of freedom before working through out the remainder of August, and then, the job search continues.

Dust and I have enjoyed having Char (his mom) in town this week from AZ as she has been helping Miss Callie with the wedding plans. Callie bought a beautiful dress, and also asked me to be a personal attendant in her wedding! I'm so excited and so honored. I can't WAYT to wait on her hand and foot on the big day! (If you're confused on the spelling... Wayt is going to be Callie's new last name!)

In other news, Dust and I have been trying to plan a trip out to California to see friends Danny and Steph, plus Dustin's best friend Tom. They all live out there. That's the sucky part about finishing college... your best buds all scatter through out the world and there are rare opportunities to see one another. But anyway, that's a plan. Sort of like a rough draft of a plan.

'Cuz we're the 4 best friends that anyone could have...

I hope that Danny isn't caught off guard by potentially reading this post, but then again, no one really ever reads my blog so it's a safe bet to guess he won't.

So Monday consisted of this:

Which eventually led to this...

That's right, folks. I am dating a hairless man. I personally prefer the buzz to any other look that Dusty has gone for in the way of hair. While I am going to miss running my fingers through those long locks, it sure is fun to be dating a guy who looks like he could be a convict on the loose! (Kidding) I really do like the new look though. Could he really ever NOT be handsome??

Monday also consisted of Baldy and I going to the movies to see Harry Potter again. Turns out, when we attended the midnight premiere, I didn't last too long. I actually slept through about an hour of the movie. Maybe it was the fact that it was two hours plus and I had been up that day for a total of 23 hours. Maybe it was because we went to Oakdale which happened to be a mini reunion with about 30 of my former students (anxiety) or maybe it was just not that interesting to me the first time around. Well, forget that! I LOVED IT the second time! I felt depressed upon the ending because I truly feel like my childhood, my youth, is officially finished. I remember the 6th grade year like it was yesterday when the first HP movie came out... sigh. Life passes ya by.

And of course, this is what my Monday night consisted of...
*True*Love* ... Well, at least for now
Let me tell you why I'm glad Ashley picked JP:
1. Did you see Dusty's hair up there?? Or lack there of? Don't you think it makes him slightly resemble JP and his handsomeness?
2. Ben F. creeped me out with his "doggy voice"... while Ashley's was just plain ANNOYING.
3. It assured me that I can, in fact, put my full trust in Reality Steve, at least for this season
4. We can now rest assured knowing we will NEVER have to hear the "B-word" again

If you aren't a fan of The Bachelorette, I apologize, but I became highly invested in this season. As much as I think this show is a joke, I can't help but get sucked in when I discover websites that give you all the spoilers before the season starts. It makes for seriously entertaining Monday nights when you have a recap to look forward to.

Today, Dust took me out on a date to New Hope Cinema Grill, which offers cheap movies (most that have been in theaters for months) while also offering a full menu of food that is available for order through out the movie of your choice. Dusty has been dying to try it out for a long time and I finally agreed today. We actually had a good time. Movie= $2, pizza, pop and popcorn= $2 each. Fairly cheap deal for the night. We saw "The Hangover 2" which was the only downfall of the night's events. Not a movie I would recommend. The first one= extremely funny. The second= exactly the same, only not as funny, super gross, and a disappointment. Oh well.

I cannot believe that it's August already. What a crazy month July was. I'm glad its over but also freaking out that my beloved summer months are rapidly coming to a close. Dust and I had a great conversation tonight about jobs/careers, and the future. It was nice to be able to talk out the kinks of what our lives will be like in the coming months. I still have no idea what I'm going to do, but I will talk about that+details in a future blog post. For now, I'm looking forward to August for a couple of reasons... One, my sister gets home in 7 days! She spent the summer in Denver and South Dakota working for Youthworks and while I know she has had an amazing time, I am so anxious for her to get back. Two, my most anticipated summer movie, THE HELP is coming out on the 10th! Remember, I recommended the book earlier in June in a previous post? I can't hardly wait. This is one of the few books that has potential for an excellent movie counterpart. I really hope that it doesn't disappoint!

Not to end this on a sadder note, but today is also the 3rd which marks one official month since Sean passed away. I can't believe how quickly a month can just fly by. Even still, I still can't hardly believe that he's still gone. I carry around the little card from his memorial in my wallet and get to see his picture whenever I open it for cash or whatever. I think about him often and still shuffle through the countless memories that we shared over the years. Still miss him.
This coming Saturday, some friends of mine are hosting a fundraiser that includes authentic homemade TACOS to raise money for Sean's Memorial Fund. I guess that spreading the word via my blog is a little bit pointless, since like I said earlier, nobody reads, but I'm sure that everyone would love for all who are able to show up and it's for a really meaningful cause, at least to me. You can read more about the fundraiser on this Facebook page!

So in a nutshell, that's what I've been up to the past few days. WHEW. What a post. Great way to start out my Wednesday, though. Hope everyone else is enjoying their week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh i read it alright! Took me a bit, but I got to it.