Monday, August 8, 2011

This post is not a happy one.

Sometimes, I feel like a real lousy person.

Especially today. Over the past weekend, I had a pretty lame "woe is me" pity party over the fact that in two weeks, I will no longer have part time work nannying. Which means that I also have to start REALLY searching hard for a job this fall and beyond. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself, being mopey, shedding a lot of tears, and wondering when the world was going to crumble around me into a million little pieces.

The Casey Miller pity party continued on into the wee hours of the morning today as I grew increasingly depressed over reading articles regarding the debt crisis in America, the rising unemployment rate, and the student loan payment notice that my mom handed me all before breakfast. Needless to say, I grew increasingly sorry for myself rounding about 8:30 a.m. I had even been planning to write a blog post explaining my fears of the unknown, fears of not having a full time job, fears of being sad and depressed over this "crisis" I am facing in my life.

And then, I read this article.

When I wake up in the morning, do I face a day of not knowing how, where, or when I am going to get fed, not just for myself, but for my family? My friends?

The answer is no.

When I wake up in the morning, do I find myself in a desolate, disease ridden refugee camp? A place that is not my home and shows no signs of immediate hope?

The answer is no.

While I might be temporarily unemployed, I can't even comprehend what it would be like to live in the Horn of Africa in these times. Facing starvation, uncertainty, government instability, and possible death is something that I literally can not fathom. My heart breaks when I read things like this... and yet, I suffer from being a person who lets emotions and selfishness get the best of her. I am thankful for the reality check I got this morning. Things could be a lot worse.

My prayers are with the people of Somalia... a country in crisis where more than 10 million people are in need of assistance and face starvation.

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