Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thanks to PINTEREST, I found this picture...

I was recently browsing Pinterest when I stumbled upon this photograph...

This is pretty much the best thing ever, isn't it? I think I need to make my own and hang them everywhere I can see them. This was exactly what I needed today for a variety of reasons. THANK YOU GOD!

Speaking of God... this week has been huge for me, as I recently made the decision to get baptized. I'm so excited. I am meeting with my pastor in a couple of weeks and the baptism day is Sunday August 28th. Big things happening for me in the way of my faith life!!

I had a really great day today. Excited to blog about it soon! HAPPY FRIDAY!

1 comment:

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

That's sooo awesome and a GREAT thing to read constantly and remember! Baptism?? Amazzzing! :) Can't wait to hear more about it! Blessings!!