Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Angelina at the Oscars

Well, the web was all abuzz yesterday from the Academy Awards. I admittedly saw ONE of the movies and knew going in that "The Artist" was going to win it all. It's a no-brainer- a black and white silent film with a foreign director? Pencil it in for Best Picture.

But enough of that. THIS... I can not resist sharing.

Was anyone as bugged with Angelina Jolie's leg as I was? Seriously? Is it necessary to flaunt the fact that your dress not only costs about as much as a half years college tuition, but also features a slit all the way up to your hip?
Seriously. WE GET IT. You're gorgeous, you're skinny, and you know it. And I guess you really want all of us to know it too.

I took to the internet today to read up on my Bachelor recaps (basically the best part of my Tuesday). Somehow, I stumbled upon the following picture. Let me just say, your welcome. Let this be a lesson to Angelina, if you've got it, perhaps flaunt it... but know that someone out there is gonna mock you for it.

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