Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Watch this!

So... My roommate Jackie has an ever growing obsession with Josh Groban. I can't blame her, since Josh Groban happens to have one of the most amazing male voices I can think of. She showed me this video clip from Youtube and I have to post it for everyone else. PLEASE watch it!

I love this song, and think about it in terms of my relationship with God. Imagine that God's name is inserted at the beginning of every line! Powerful!

In other news, I am so proud of CALLIE today because Bachmann (so far!) has been leading the way to victory tonight! Callie works for the Michele Bachmann campaign and has been SUPER busy the last couple of months getting ready for this day! CONGRATS CAL!!

Also, my former roommate and good friend TORI got engaged on Saturday morning and I am SOOOO happy for her. She came over last night with wedding magazines and her amazing engagement ring of course :) Her fiance, Brett, proposed to her while she was SKYDIVING. Incredible right? I know!!!

It is NOVEMBER! And I can't believe it. I am semi-losing my mind. I have two HUGE papers coming up that I just can't seem to find the time for and it's getting to be a little crazy nuts. Prayers are greatly appreciated.

I still miss Dusty. I miss him A LOT. I get sad thinking about how far away he is sometimes.

Good news, my cold is officially (almost) gone! I have taken Nyquil the last two nights and it's helped A LOT just to get rest.

Again, I am feeling like my posts are getting more and more boring... Hmmm... I need some more exciting things to happen in my life I guess. Nahh... I'm just fine with how things are at the moment! Besides the fact that I am sans-Dusty.

That is all!

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