Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Hallowe..... Wait, time out

Well, I have officially been defeated by sickness. I had to call in sick to work today. Last night, I went to Valleyfair with a bunch of friends and I had a really great time. Since Valleyfair is converted to "Valleyscare" for Halloween, the end of the night meant the ENTIRE park was covered in synthetic fog from about FIFTY fog machines and as you might imagine... Inhaling a bunch of weird thick fog with a horrible cough is a recipe for disaster. Throw in riding a SCHOOL BUS on the way home, about a 40 minute ride, and yea... It doesn't make for a very fun end to the night. I woke up this morning ready to cough up a lung and I felt terrible about calling in, but really couldn't see myself going to work. It's hard when you work at an assisted living home because YOUR sickness could easily project itself onto helpless elderly people... see how I easily convince myself that I did the right thing?

My mom, thank goodness, is having the whole fam over for pumpkin pie and dinner tonight and honestly, I think I just need a night at my true home. Hopefully I will be feeling better by tomorrow and will be able to work at Eagle Crest at night.

I really miss Dusty.

On a high note, here are some of the things that I am happy about involving the past week:

-Taylor Swift's new CD came out, and I LOVE IT!
-Bethel beat Concordia yesterday
-Jackie's dad's famous spaghetti sauce with noodles for dinner Friday night... MMMM.
-Mom took Carly and I shopping on Friday!
-I called Dust last night REALLY late into the night (I was up half the night hacking away) and he still managed to pray for me over the phone. Love him.

I am just praying and PRAYING this cold goes away! It's been a rough few days! Thank goodness the rest of the weekend is going to be restful.

Then I will snap back to it and write a much better post! :)

1 comment:

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

Ohh! Feel better Casey :) Sounds like you have a lot of happy things to look forward too!!