Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday and Sunday.

Hello Hello everybody.

Well, it's back. The cough. I'm laying in bed hacking away wondering what I did to deserve a round two. I'm frustrated, to say the least, that this annoying little bug (or whatever it is) has crept back into my life almost more quickly than before.

Regardless of my cough, it was a good weekend.
Friday night I got my hair colored. I realized sitting in the chair at the salon that I almost always end up getting my hair done on Friday evenings and for some reason, I find that to be kind of silly. Maybe it's because I'm always sitting in the chair, foiled up, texting all friends to find out what it is that I'm missing out on. But, whatever. I don't want to take a risk of sounding too glitzy here, but hair appointments are kind of "my" time that I really look forward to. I go to a place in Uptown and kind of have developed a routine for whenever I get a hair cut.. or color.. or whatever. I leave an hour and a half early because I know I'll run into traffic. I never HAVEN'T run into traffic going on 94 towards Hennepin. I usually get to my salon way too early and therefore, I shop. I get a coffee. I people watch. In case you didn't know, Uptown is host to a whole different crowd of people. For instance, the other night, as I was waiting to cross the street right by Chino Latino, two kids (both couldn't have been older than 15) motioned to hand me a flyer for palm reading nearby. I obviously turned it down, but was curious as to why two teenagers would be handing that stuff out on a Friday afternoon?? Beats me.

I got finished with my hair appointment and kind of forgot to factor in the change in sunset this time of year. It was 8 p.m. and really, really dark outside and I was parked at least six blocks away. I tried to stay in the open because I have this fear of walking alone at nights to my car. I also tried to call a million different people to sidetrack me, but no one answered. As I neared my parking spot, I noticed the cutest little apartment building and I began (for some reason) to think about Dusty's living situation at the moment. He is currently battling some critters who have taken up residency in his house. They have left some little mouse turds as evidence of their stay. I kid you not, as I walked along thinking about teeny little mice hiding out in Dusty's house... A mouse DARTED right across the sidewalk. At my feet.

I screamed.
As if the thought of getting attacked freaked me out... a harmless little mouse made me even more scared. I sprinted to my car and got the heck out of that situation.

I ended up just watching TV with my friend Kristin afterward while my other roommates entertained some friends in the kitchen at our house. It was so nice just to relax on Friday.

Saturday was a really fun day also. Bethel played Hamline University and-get this- beat them 52-0. Not only that, but the defense only gave up 18 yards to Hamline, THE ENTIRE GAME! I'm so proud of the Royals this year. Especially that defense :) Hm, they must have a really great coach to credit that to! Ha, my dad would kill me if he saw that I wrote that. Luckily, I have gotten several texts from my dad saying he STILL can't figure out how to access my blog, so I think we're in the clear.

I went to a wedding for a friend Saturday night that was just really nice. Beautiful ceremony, dresses, flowers, and music. I think the cutest part of the ceremony was that the groom's best man was his GRANDPA! I love that! It was nice to attend a ceremony later into the evening, and also nice to see Callie as always. We grabbed dinner before the wedding with Tom (Dustin's roommate/best friend) and overall I just had a really nice time.

Today has been long, but great. For one thing, it was my first Sunday off from work and I was so excited to be able to go to church today. I picked up my sister and drove down to Minneapolis (forgetting all about the Vikings game). Our church is right across the street from the stadium where the Vikes play and Sunday home games can get kind of messy, traffic-wise. Wasn't horrible this morning, but I did see a LOT of Moss jerseys, which I find to be kind of funny/ironic. Church was really good today. I always kind of get nervous when I go to the church I grew up in. I love it there, but in college, it was often really hard to find a ride, and so my visits to church have always been somewhat sporadic since I've been in college. Factor in the work thing, and it has just been really difficult. Our church has gone through some pretty major changes over the past two years, great changes, but I feel as though I've really missed out in getting to know new people there and plugging myself into our church community. Let's just say, knowing that I have Sundays off now, and getting to be in church, is a really good feeling. And presents me with a hopeful wish of getting more involved at my church. I decided to be brave and go by myself to the Young Adult ministry after the service and actually enjoyed it. I sat alone and just kind of took it in, and it was enjoyable. I sometimes judge those situations too quickly, but this time I prayed for a humble attitude and just kind of let myself enjoy it.

We then had lunch at home as a family, but also shared with the young adult pastor of my church and another member. Very fun, I liked being able to get to know the pastor better and kind of considered it a "plug" to getting more involved, personally. Moses, as always, entertained our guests to the fullest.. right up until about dessert time when he decided that he was sick and threw up in the backyard. That dog, I tell ya. Sometimes, he can just be so weird and goofy.

This week, I could use some prayer. I have a really big paper due next Monday (minimum of 25 pages) and also, have to start research on another 15 page paper due the same week. On top of two other smaller papers dealing with my ever-so-interesting Greek Civ class (sarcasm) so if you think of it, pray that I will manage my time well this week. Other than that, I have no complaints. Life is good, and God has been great to me this week.

Oh, and as long as I've got your attention, maybe you could pray for my cough to disappear for a second time :-)

Thanks! And good night!

1 comment:

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

I'm saying a prayer for you, Casey! :) I hope you are able to get well FAST! And... fun weekend! We heard about the Royals. I secretly think it made Josh sad that he wasn't still playing Bethel Football. *Sigh* Have a great week!