Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday a la mode

Two of my very dear friends, Randi and Nicole, have started up a blog! These two wonderful ladies are both extremely creative and talented and I am really pumped that another couple of peeps in my life are taking the plunge into blogworld.

Randi and Nicole both entered my life on the same night freshman year of college. Bethel does this cheesy group date event every fall called "Gadkin" and after the evenings activities at Valleyfair, we went to my friend Katie's house to hang out with our dates. Randi and Nicole stopped by and two friendships were born. Randi is my friend from the east.... New Jersey. She has three beautiful sisters and is SUPER good with all things design, graphics, art, you name it. Nicole now attends the University of Minnesota as an art student and she has a pet cat (barf) named Rigs. But I love her anyway.

Oh.... Both Nicole and Randi also own Canon rebel cameras and this is why I am jealous of them.

Check out "Wednesday a la mode":
Make sure you follow their doses of wisdom!

Super old picture of me, Rands, and Nic freshman year. Nicole is now a brunette, FYI

1 comment:

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

Fun! I am going to check out there blog now :-)