Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Postcards: what to do?

As I have explained here before, I have done quite a bit of traveling over the past year. I'm not the only one though... Remember that little adventurous roadtrip that my dear boyfriend Dusty took over the course of September? He has traveled a fair amount as well. One thing that I have never quite been a fan of is souvenirs. They take up space in your suitcase, they are often kind of junky, and I tend to lose such things. I do however want to take away some kind of memento from my various travels so I have begun to collect POSTCARDS. Small, easy to pack, and something to stow away.

One of the things I love to receive are letters of any kind. One of the things I appreciated about Dusty over the month of September? He sent PLENTY of postcards. Almost one from every city and state he visited! Never mind that I purchased the stamps as a going away present, he was good about sending them! Anyway, I just came across a bunch of old postcards from the eastern US, Europe, and now, Hawaii. Now I'm not quite sure what to do with all of them?

I have this empty space in my bedroom that I'm thinking about hanging the postcards?

Would that look tacky? I feel like spicing up my room a bit and I've thought of everything from stringing lights to rearranging my bed. I have always wanted to do something with my postcards so I'm thinking of buying a wire with little metal clips to hang?

Regardless, I really do love postcards as souvenirs. And I love to look back at the little messages written on the back. On my Europe postcards I wrote a memory on each postcard to go with the city stop, and I obviously love reading what Dusty said on each one that was sent to me.

So, what do you think of my idea?? Maybe with the new blog my friends started, my artsy juices are starting to flow... I'm not really sure. Might as well test the waters!

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