Saturday, December 3, 2011

Project time

So lately when I have a spare minute for the internet, I find myself perusing one of two sites:
1. Pinterest
2. DIY Blogs

I get so much inspiration to MAKE things off of Pinterest, but never follow through because I simply can't find the time. I've been overwhelmed by all the friends I met in college who have started and updated their blogs by filling posts with crafts and easy projects that cost so little. I LOVE to make things, but I usually only ever START a project- it takes a lot to get me to finish. Two of the projects I've completed, successfully, are ones that I got inspiration from on both of the above-mentioned websites.

The first successful project was a DIY Christmas Wreath that I made my mom for Christmas last year. I got the inspiration from "PS... I made this," a site all about DIY projects. It was fairly time-consuming, but well worth it in the end when I could marvel over a job well done, and see the look on my mom's face when she opened it up on Christmas Day.

This was midway through the process- I bought the styrofoam wreath at Joann Fabrics for about 6 dollars, and then purchased about a yard and a half of white felt. You cut the felt into circles, fold them into fourths, and pin the corners onto the styrofoam. It took FOREVER- but luckily, I remember, there was a Harry Potter Marathon on ABC Family.

The finished product, and not the best quality photo, but I LOVE how it turned out. 

The second project I attempted and mastered was one I found on Pinterest. I actually blogged originally about the idea of making a Mason Jar Soap dispenser in this post. This project, in contrast to the wreath, did NOT take long at all. I spent maybe a total of fifteen minutes total to construct it, after buying the Mason Jar at Michael's for about $2.99.
I used a screwdriver to drill a hole for the dispenser, which was sitting in my mom's bathroom closet. I used a jug of bathroom soap to fill the jar, and hot glued the dispenser to the lid. 

So my next attempted project is to make a banner for our upcoming engagement photos next week. Our photographer is great and has a lot of awesome ideas, and she recently sent me the link to an Etsy store that makes banners of your wedding date to use in pictures. I really liked the idea, but I don't necessarily want to spend the money when I think it's something I could at least try on my own. So today, my goal is to find the materials needed to successfully complete this project. We are sending Save the Dates to close friends and family and want to do Christmas cards with our date on a banner. I'll check back in this week to let you know how it worked out. The goal is to have it look something like this:

Check back in later! Off to get my craft on.

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