Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A thought.

My first order of business writing today is to give a special someone a SHOUT OUT!

Dear Callie Joy Elizabeth Christina Marie Wahl.

I had an amazing time with you and your mom on Sunday night. You two are the best. You make me laugh. And sushi is tasty. And so is edamame. But even more sweet is the time I got with my tied-for-second favorite Wahls.
(In case you don't understand, my mom and I got to go out to dinner Sunday with Callie, Dusty's sister, and his mom, Char. Char lives in AZ and came up for a couple of weeks. We went to Osaka in Roseville and had a great time. I just had written my weekend post prior to dinner, so I forgot to include that fun last part of the weekend. Oh, and Callie doesn't really have that many middle names. We just pretend. For fun.)

Anyways, I have been doing a lot of random thinking, reflecting, and praying lately about a variety of things. I have mainly been thinking about and thanking God these days for the little blessings in my life. No matter how big or small they are.

I am sitting right now in a part of campus that is pretty secluded and quiet (because I am trying to crank out a quick assignment with little distraction). There is this woman who works at Bethel's dining center that knows Dusty fairly well through her daughter. She has always been really nice both to him and to me and this year we have been talking randomly when she asked why I didn't graduate with Dust. She didn't know that we are a year apart and ever since that conversation, she has been so friendly and thoughtful when asking questions about his plans, our relationships, my plans, how school is going. The little things in life. She always shows interest in things having to do with my life and does it often during the busiest times of the day. Even if it puts her behind in her job, she is just plain nice!

I just saw her walk out to her car and I quietly thanked God for her kindness. I thanked God that she is a small blessing. It got me to thinking... Has anyone ever done that when they saw me walk by? Or thought/prayed something similar? I want to live my life in a way that I can be God's blessing to others. I don't want to get a big head, but I want to show God's love to others in a way that allows them to feel that someone genuinely cares.

I also had lunch today with my best friend from high school, Leah. She has really developed a solid, strong faith over the past few years and really has a smart mind when it comes to a relationship with God. We had lunch at Eddingtons, a favorite of ours from high school and when I got there, I noticed she had struck up a conversation with this young guy that worked there. He was talking about how he was saving up his money to do buy something that honored his mother, who had recently passed away. He couldn't have been more then twenty years old. We got our food and midway through, Leah pulled out a twenty dollar bill. She ended up giving it to the man she was talking to earlier. I asked her about it and she just said that God sometimes gives her a push to help others in that way. Not all the time, but sometimes. And she felt that push at Eddingtons. I thought that was pretty cool. Not just that she most certainly made that mans day, but she blessed him with something and showed him God's love.

I really want to start intentionally living life that way. I don't have much to give right now other than kind words and a heart for people. But sometimes that is all it takes. I am still thinking pretty hard about that question.... Am I a blessing to others?

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