Bottom line is, I need to start getting in shape when it comes to my attitude. I'm having a hard time adjusting to a new season of life. What else is new? Who out there can't relate, ya know? I'm trying to start today. It's a process, I'm working on it :)
Today has been a really cool day! I don't know if I have ever written about this, and if you aren't a nerd at heart like me than feel free to skip over this. I'm in my senior seminar class for my history major and the class is basically writing a research paper on a topic of our choice. I chose to write about how children's public television shows influenced early childhood education over the last thirty years. A few weeks ago, we had dinner at our professor's house (a fun night in itself) and I mentioned my topic, and a girl in my class said she interned with TPT (Minneapolis' PBS station) and said she knew of a bunch of old children's show footage available that might help. WHAT?! Just exactly what I needed! I made an appointment with her old boss and this morning, we met to go over the footage. It was so awesome! I had no idea I would be visiting a television station. The building was located in downtown St. Paul. I walked in and there were tv sets all across the lobby playing episode of Sesame Street. Brendan, the man I was meeting with, met me and brought me up to his office. It was the coolest thing, you guys! I was in the middle of a television studio/set. It turns out that Brendan is the producer of the show Almanac on PBS, a show I don't really watch but have heard of. His office had EMMY awards hanging on the shelf!! NUTS! Anyway, he put together about three discs of material containing examples of children shows produced in Minnesota over the last few years. We watched some of the footage together and it was so interesting. I know I'm kind of a history nerd, but it was such a cool, random experience. And EXACTLY what I was looking for in terms of sources. He even gave me the email address for the hosts of these shows, they are retired old men who still help out at the station!
It was such a great thing to have that experience today. I was so nervous that it would be a waste of time, it was the complete opposite. I loved it!
I am looking forward to tonight also. Some of my roommates and I are going out for a friends birthday. Amy just made pumpkin muffins, they were delicious. I wore a scarf today. Hello fall. Already I am having a much better day, than last night when I was just reveling in the negative.
Other exciting news... Dusty found a place in Florida! Ya ready for this??

That right there is Dusty's home! Look at it! Maybe a little old looking, but do you see all those palm trees? And can you imagine the space???!
I'm so proud of that guy. I don't know many that could establish themselves that quickly in another state. Yay for Dust.
Hopefully I'll write again tomorrow, I'm looking forward to Homecoming at BU this weekend!!
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