No, I'm not babysitting a RAT ;-) It's Duke!! Dusty/Callie/Char's dog! Look at him! He decided to take up residency on my bed this morning while I was getting ready for schoooooooool. Char and Callie went out of town for the Wahl grandparents 60th wedding anniversary so I am the official dogsitter for a couple of days.
I had a rather hectic morning... As I was leaving my house, I could NOT find my keys. Not for the life of me. I turned my room, bathroom, and living room upside down looking for them and got really stressed out. I decided to not call Dusty out of frustration because he is always my go-to person when I'm freaking out and need to vent. I finally found them in the TRUNK of my car (Yeah, I know, what the heck??!) But ended up missing Chapel in the process. I finally get up for Chapel and still find a way to miss it. Dang it.
But everything is fine now. I had a great night last night celebrating my friend Lindsey's birthday. We went out to dinner at Seven Sushi downtown and then went to a dive karaoke bar that ended up being really fun! In a rush to clean out my back seat last night (so people could actually sit in my car) I threw a ton of crap in the trunk, along with my keys. I used my spare to drive home in a rush and so that is how the key situation came about. Sometimes, I want to hit myself upside the head to knock some sense into it.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to spending the evening celebrating homecoming at the homecoming banquet, and seeing Triple Espresso (a comedy play) with my mom, grandma, and brother. I miss my bro. I haven't seen him/hung out with him in a while. It will be good to have a little family time! Then I'll go home and play with Duke. And maybe let him sleep in my bed. Just don't tell Char.
I'm excited to write on Monday because it is a very special day..................
Happy weekend! :)
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