The cross pictured hangs right above my mirror in my bedroom. Dust gave it to me on our one year anniversary last October. I didn't expect anything this year for the second anniversary because both of us are pretty much broke, the distance thing plays in, and plus, I just wasn't expecting anything! Well... Look what I got....

I adore yellow roses. Love them. And he just knew. Thanks Dust :) I love them
The two year anniversary was great. I don't like to make a big deal out of anniversaries too much because we still are only in the dating phase, but I still like to acknowledge and celebrate them! We had a skype date at the end of the night that kind of turned sour (it was my fault). I still struggle with getting used to the distance thing and I felt really bad this morning about ending our two year on a bad note. Luckily, I'm dating a guy that is more than understanding, even when he shouldn't be, and for now, I think I'm forgiven :)
Even still I feel bad. I know these last couple of days have been hard for Dust because he has been busy looking for a second job. I shouldn't have put extra stress on him, especially on such a special day. I prayed all day long that God would provide for him, by opening up an opportunity with the job he really wants (valet with my cousin, Reid.) God answered. Nothing is completely set in stone yet, but Dust got the job today! HOORAY FOR GOD'S FAITHFULNESS! :) :) :) This is a huge blessing for him, and for me. Now that Dust has a second job secured, he will {hopefully} be able to find a time to come and visit in the next few weeks. Not knowing when I was going to see him again was the worst, and I think a great contributor to my crabby-ness the past few days.
I found this song through a friend recently that I have been replaying over and over that has helped me to get to the heart of what love really means. Especially after causing a lot of arguments the past couple of weeks. It's really hard for me to sometimes drop the arguing just to know that everything will be okay, above all else. Especially when God is at the center. I absolutely love this song, and I feel that it displays that message of remaining focused on what matters most in a relationship with God and with others, so I wanted to share it with everyone in blogworld. Enjoy.
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