Since there was so much crammed into six short days, I just wanted to highlight some of my favorite memories from the Florida trip:
-Of course, seeing Dusty after a long month apart. We had such a great time together.
-Seeing Reid and Trevor too of course :)
Okay, so now that that's out of the way, here are some of the fun things we did during my stay!
-Bowled for free at BOWL LAND in Naples after a delicious home cooked meal of tacos, made by Dusty!!
-Spent ALL day Friday at Marco Island. Dusty and I went there this past March for Spring Break and had a great time there. It's a beautiful little island with a very pretty beach area.
-Stayed a day and night in Ft. Myers with Reid and Trev. Beached it all day Saturday! Trevor and Reid decided to go for a walk along the beach in Ft. Myers so Dusty and I stayed back with all our stuff and ended up seeing the COOLEST dolphin feeding frenzy ever! I was in the water and saw a fin surface, so I screamed for Dust and he joined me to see if the dolphin would come back. Right as he got in, we looked to our right and saw all these fish just jumping like crazy, darting in and out of the waves. Now keep in mind, this is about twenty feet from us and in about five feet of water! All of a sudden, two more dolphins appeared and started to go after the fish that were darting, obviously away from the dolphins in an effort to NOT get eaten! It was one of those things that you feel is once in a lifetime. Awesome
-Went to a beachside bar that was most definitely cougar central. No woman under 30, is my guess. Life music was provided by a 90's cover band. It was an interesting night to say the least.
-Saw "The Social Network" on my last day. That movie=brilliant. Especially if you are a facebook addict like I am. It's kind of a crazy story how that all came to be. I highly recommend you go see it.
Those are the highlights that stick out to me right now. It might not sound like much but honestly, it was so nice just to be able to relax and hang out with people who I love and missed a lot. I am grateful for every minute :)
Now for the weekend...
My dear roommate Randi celebrated 22 years of life this past Wednesday. Naturally in her honor, we threw her a party. And since beautiful Randi hails from New Jersey, we decided to make it a Jersey Shore party. Now I don't condone or promote this show in any way, because really, it's trash. But because Randi is pretty much the opposite of trash, we thought it would be hilarious to make the party Jersey themed. Here are a couple of my favorite pics from the celebration:
Of course, the birthday girl blowing out her candles, trying not to get the black hair dye on the cake!
Nicole really did it well as Snooki, but because I'm blonde, it was hard to replicate
The guys pretty much made the party because they really went FULL out for the Jersey theme!
Saturday was also a great day. Bethel football played St. Johns.. who may be one of our biggest rivals. They are pretty much a powerhouse every year and while we HAVE beaten them three out of the last four years, it's still always a huge scare because somehow they always manage to make the game scary up to the very end. Well... guess what? We beat em. We did it. 17 to 14. I think my dad was in his coaching glory because the defense played awesome. I'm so pumped for the Royals.
I then had dinner with my parents and the rest of the coaching staff and we went to watch my roommate Hannah beat Wisconsin-Superior at her volleyball game at Bethel! Two victories in one day for the good old BU.
Last night ended with a little social gathering at a friends house. Some of our junior friends had a "Fall Flannual" party where you have to wear flannel shirts. There was bobbing for apples, fresh apple cider, caramel apples, and brownies along with country music, a bonfire and did I mention? 85 degree weather? Yea, all day yesterday was a heat wave here in MN. I'm not quite sure where this came from out of the blue, but it was kind of nice to keep up my tan! :)
So yea, that has been my life for the last ten or so days... A lot going on and I LOVE it! This upcoming week is Homecoming at school and there is a lot to look forward to! I will be sure to keep updating over the next week. Glad I finally cranked out the Florida update though, that was a long time coming!
See ya later!
1 comment:
You keep leaving me out of your weekend recaps. My feelings are hurt. Are you embarrassed by me?
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