Well, I have officially been defeated by sickness. I had to call in sick to work today. Last night, I went to Valleyfair with a bunch of friends and I had a really great time. Since Valleyfair is converted to "Valleyscare" for Halloween, the end of the night meant the ENTIRE park was covered in synthetic fog from about FIFTY fog machines and as you might imagine... Inhaling a bunch of weird thick fog with a horrible cough is a recipe for disaster. Throw in riding a SCHOOL BUS on the way home, about a 40 minute ride, and yea... It doesn't make for a very fun end to the night. I woke up this morning ready to cough up a lung and I felt terrible about calling in, but really couldn't see myself going to work. It's hard when you work at an assisted living home because YOUR sickness could easily project itself onto helpless elderly people... see how I easily convince myself that I did the right thing?
My mom, thank goodness, is having the whole fam over for pumpkin pie and dinner tonight and honestly, I think I just need a night at my true home. Hopefully I will be feeling better by tomorrow and will be able to work at Eagle Crest at night.
I really miss Dusty.
On a high note, here are some of the things that I am happy about involving the past week:
-Taylor Swift's new CD came out, and I LOVE IT!
-Bethel beat Concordia yesterday
-Jackie's dad's famous spaghetti sauce with noodles for dinner Friday night... MMMM.
-Mom took Carly and I shopping on Friday!
-I called Dust last night REALLY late into the night (I was up half the night hacking away) and he still managed to pray for me over the phone. Love him.
I am just praying and PRAYING this cold goes away! It's been a rough few days! Thank goodness the rest of the weekend is going to be restful.
Then I will snap back to it and write a much better post! :)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Think Deep
Recently, I had a conversation with a friend. This particular friend shared a lot about profound experiences that they have had so far in their lifetime. They asked me about mine. I was a little dumbfounded when I tried to think up an answer.
I guess that I have had a lot of somewhat profound experiences. One of the earliest I can remember is the birth of my brother, Beau John. I was 7 years old when my youngest sibling was born and I remember every little detail about the day. I remember my dad calling the house to tell my aunt (who was watching us) that we had a little boy. Carly and I were overjoyed to add a brother to our family. I remember visiting him at the hospital and marveling over his tiny little body. I remember holding him and getting a Barbie doll present for being a sister (Ha). I remember my parents couldn't think of a name for him for three days and finally they settled on BEAU and it was just perfect for him. That was pretty profound.
I remember losing my grandfather in one of the most profound ways. June 17th 2005. I had spent the past three months watching my grandfather slowly succumb to the battle of lung cancer. Literally, I watched him cough up bloody pieces of his own lung. It was absolutely horrible. The week before he died, I left on a leadership retreat in the boundary waters of MN with my friend George and my youth pastor, Tom. I knew the day I left that I very well would never see my grandfather again. He was barely recognizable from all the weight he lost and could hardly talk by the time I left. I spent 9 amazing days up north, deepening my relationship with God and just getting away from the hard times of home. Our last night of the trip, we as a group took turns doing a fire watch through the night. This consisted of each one of us spending hour long shifts in the middle of the night keeping the fire going and having quiet time with God. I had really wrestled with the thought of losing my grandpa because I hadn't really ever experienced death before. It was such a tough concept coming to terms with never seeing someone in this lifetime again. I was awoken for my shift of fire watching at 12:30. I quietly spent time with the Lord and asked him to calm my heart and soul in the wake of potentially losing grandpa. I looked to the stars... There were about a million of them in the dark sky. I closed my eyes and felt God's presence rushing over me, just assuring me that it would ALL be okay. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 1:15 a.m. and my shift was nearly over. I thanked the Lord for being my safety and comfort and quickly headed back into my tent for bed. The next day, we headed home from the retreat. A fast seven hour drive went by and my parents picked me up and shared news with me. My grandpa, John, passed away that night at 1:15 a.m.
That was pretty profound.
One of the more recent experiences I have had was last January. I had the AMAZING opportunity of taking a J-term class abroad, studying psychology. Our class traveled to Germany, Austria, France and England in the span of about 3 1/2 weeks. It is one of the most memorable trips I have ever been on.
In Germany, we spent three days in Munich. Munich is a large city, and just a quick train ride to Dachau, where the first concentration camp of World War II still remains. Me being the history nerd that I am, I have always wanted to visit a concentration camp. I knew leading up to it that I would have an interesting experience touring the camp. Our class headed to Dachau on a Sunday morning. It was an incredibly cold day and the snow was falling as we walked to the camp entrance. I can't really explain to you what it feels like to stand in a place that was once home to so much injustice, pain, suffering, and death. All I can say is that it's eery beyond what you would expect. There are two memories from that day that stick out to me. One occurred after spending a quick twenty minutes in an outdoor chapel that was built in memory of the Jews who died in the camp. Our professor gave a quick devotion on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian who died during WWII. Everyone I was surrounded by would not SHUT UP about how cold they were, how much they wanted to leave, and how hungry they were for lunch (since we left for Dachau around breakfast, a lot of us skipped out on our meal). I don't know that I've ever wanted to hit someone in the face more than in that moment. I couldn't help but scream in my head... DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?! YOU'RE cold and hungry? We are all bundled up in thick coats and Ugg boots!! People DIED in the dead of winter at this place and often wore nothing but RAGS! And you are sitting here, on the trip of a lifetime, complaining about being cold??! I should say, every person complaining was a girl. Sometimes, I can't stand girls. And yes, I realize, I AM ONE.

Entrance to Dachau "Work makes you free" (The great lie of concentration camps)
The second profound thing that stood out to me about the Dachau experience was that the very next Sunday, I spent the morning church service at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Two extremely different but huge experiences from one Sunday to the next. Kind of profound.

The Europe trip in general was such an amazing experience in my life. I have had a lot of pretty profound experiences. I struggled to think of things when questioned by my friend, and yet they are there. What have you experienced that's profound, recently or far back in the past?
Sometimes it's good to look back at these things because they remind us that life isn't just about the simple things, not that that's not something to live by. Life will always bring about profound experiences, and we have all experienced them.
And that's my little profound insight for the day :-) You're welcome.
I guess that I have had a lot of somewhat profound experiences. One of the earliest I can remember is the birth of my brother, Beau John. I was 7 years old when my youngest sibling was born and I remember every little detail about the day. I remember my dad calling the house to tell my aunt (who was watching us) that we had a little boy. Carly and I were overjoyed to add a brother to our family. I remember visiting him at the hospital and marveling over his tiny little body. I remember holding him and getting a Barbie doll present for being a sister (Ha). I remember my parents couldn't think of a name for him for three days and finally they settled on BEAU and it was just perfect for him. That was pretty profound.
I remember losing my grandfather in one of the most profound ways. June 17th 2005. I had spent the past three months watching my grandfather slowly succumb to the battle of lung cancer. Literally, I watched him cough up bloody pieces of his own lung. It was absolutely horrible. The week before he died, I left on a leadership retreat in the boundary waters of MN with my friend George and my youth pastor, Tom. I knew the day I left that I very well would never see my grandfather again. He was barely recognizable from all the weight he lost and could hardly talk by the time I left. I spent 9 amazing days up north, deepening my relationship with God and just getting away from the hard times of home. Our last night of the trip, we as a group took turns doing a fire watch through the night. This consisted of each one of us spending hour long shifts in the middle of the night keeping the fire going and having quiet time with God. I had really wrestled with the thought of losing my grandpa because I hadn't really ever experienced death before. It was such a tough concept coming to terms with never seeing someone in this lifetime again. I was awoken for my shift of fire watching at 12:30. I quietly spent time with the Lord and asked him to calm my heart and soul in the wake of potentially losing grandpa. I looked to the stars... There were about a million of them in the dark sky. I closed my eyes and felt God's presence rushing over me, just assuring me that it would ALL be okay. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 1:15 a.m. and my shift was nearly over. I thanked the Lord for being my safety and comfort and quickly headed back into my tent for bed. The next day, we headed home from the retreat. A fast seven hour drive went by and my parents picked me up and shared news with me. My grandpa, John, passed away that night at 1:15 a.m.
That was pretty profound.
One of the more recent experiences I have had was last January. I had the AMAZING opportunity of taking a J-term class abroad, studying psychology. Our class traveled to Germany, Austria, France and England in the span of about 3 1/2 weeks. It is one of the most memorable trips I have ever been on.
In Germany, we spent three days in Munich. Munich is a large city, and just a quick train ride to Dachau, where the first concentration camp of World War II still remains. Me being the history nerd that I am, I have always wanted to visit a concentration camp. I knew leading up to it that I would have an interesting experience touring the camp. Our class headed to Dachau on a Sunday morning. It was an incredibly cold day and the snow was falling as we walked to the camp entrance. I can't really explain to you what it feels like to stand in a place that was once home to so much injustice, pain, suffering, and death. All I can say is that it's eery beyond what you would expect. There are two memories from that day that stick out to me. One occurred after spending a quick twenty minutes in an outdoor chapel that was built in memory of the Jews who died in the camp. Our professor gave a quick devotion on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian who died during WWII. Everyone I was surrounded by would not SHUT UP about how cold they were, how much they wanted to leave, and how hungry they were for lunch (since we left for Dachau around breakfast, a lot of us skipped out on our meal). I don't know that I've ever wanted to hit someone in the face more than in that moment. I couldn't help but scream in my head... DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?! YOU'RE cold and hungry? We are all bundled up in thick coats and Ugg boots!! People DIED in the dead of winter at this place and often wore nothing but RAGS! And you are sitting here, on the trip of a lifetime, complaining about being cold??! I should say, every person complaining was a girl. Sometimes, I can't stand girls. And yes, I realize, I AM ONE.
Entrance to Dachau "Work makes you free" (The great lie of concentration camps)
The second profound thing that stood out to me about the Dachau experience was that the very next Sunday, I spent the morning church service at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Two extremely different but huge experiences from one Sunday to the next. Kind of profound.
The Europe trip in general was such an amazing experience in my life. I have had a lot of pretty profound experiences. I struggled to think of things when questioned by my friend, and yet they are there. What have you experienced that's profound, recently or far back in the past?
Sometimes it's good to look back at these things because they remind us that life isn't just about the simple things, not that that's not something to live by. Life will always bring about profound experiences, and we have all experienced them.
And that's my little profound insight for the day :-) You're welcome.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Well hello there....
Man, I have really been sucking it up at posting on here these past few days. There are a multitude of reasons. One... I felt as though my writing style was getting a little bit ba-ba-ba-BORING and two... I was really busy over the last week. I did a really smart thing after getting back from Florida... I slacked on homework. Actually, I just didn't really do ANY of it. So this week, I hit the books and got things crackin'. I actually got a lot done too... had I not been such a sloth and waited until now to finish a zillion things, I would have had more time to write on here. But... No matter now. I'm here and I'm back again!
Now that I have probably officially lost all my followers (again, crickets chirping......) I suppose I should write about something that people might find SOMEWHAT interesting?!
Like I said, it was a busy week. I finished a big chunk of research for my senior seminar paper, I wrote a book report on "The Odyssey" for Greek Civ, AND I just cranked out a ten day curriculum grid for one of my education classes. Now, as a college senior who has put in a fair share of work towards my education, I have to say three things:
1) Writing a senior seminar paper that has to be at a minimum of 25 pages is not a task to be taken lightly. Leaving the research until the LAST minute is a horrible, horrible decision.
2) There is nothing worse in the world than sitting in NEAR EASTERN AND GREEK CIVILIZATION class on a beautiful Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
3) Actually, there is something worse. It's called designing a curriculum grid for a 6th grade geography class. On a lazy Sunday afternoon. When you got about six hours of sleep. And there is a 16 and Pregnant marathon on MTV.
Those are my weekend/school insights for today. And don't you forget it.
Anyways, my weekend went a little something like this. After I finally got out of class on Friday afternoon, I came home and had a glorious restful evening with Jackie. We watched Four Weddings on TLC for about three hours. Then we decided to take a little dinner break and got sushi at Byerly's. Delicious. Dusty always makes fun of me when I tell him I get sushi because really, I just get California rolls, which are the least sushi-ish of the lot. I can't help it that I enjoy the simple things in life, plus, I can't handle spicy. Our house had a bonfire which went late into Friday evening. I got to catch up with a couple of friends that I haven't seen or spoken to in awhile, so that was really nice.
Saturday was a tougher day. Bethel played St. Thomas, at St. Thomas, for THEIR homecoming. We played our hearts out, and still lost. It was such a close one, and I felt really bad for my dear old dad after the loss. But, it's alright. I still love the Royals, like I have for the last ten years of my life :)
Katie J and I had a few friends over to my house on Saturday night for a relaxing round of movies and treats. As much as I miss hanging out with the BF on Saturday nights, sometimes there is nothing better than laying around with your girlfriends in sweatpants and a greasy pony tail. Sorry if that description was a little nast.
I spent the morning at work (Pres Homes) and then attacked the remainder of my homework for about five hours. I then watched another devastating loss (Vikes vs. Packers) at my parents house tonight. It was great to be with family. The only one we were missing was my sister. I felt full at the end of the night, being around the fam is just always, always the best. My mom made me a delicious taco salad and then we made caramel apples. I guess the whole time I was over there, my brother and Dusty were texting about how they are going to open up a restaurant someday. Hm! Interesting idea, boys! I guess I can't knock it, having two of my favorite guys in the world collaborate on something wonderful ;-) Beau will just have to grow up a little bit, 15 may be a bit young to start up a restaurant....
I'm getting a cold. Dang. And, speaking of cold, that random 80 degree October weather decided to pack up and skip town. It's wet and rainy and brisk outside. And... our heat isn't working at our house. Dang. So I am currently curled up in bed wearing socks and a sweatshirt. Watching Say Yes to the Dress.
Ya think I need to maybe sway away from the bridal stuff? Meh. What can ya do.
One random thing: I decided that for the month of November, I am going to take Sundays off from work. I have just REALLY missed going to church. As much as I love those old people at Eagle Crest, I really miss being spiritually fed on Sundays. Does that make sense? I may be missing out on the money, but I figure, God will still provide! Right? I hope so. It's all good, I trust him. He's been pretty good to me so far.
Hopefully I will have something more interesting to write about tomorrow. Good night friends.
Now that I have probably officially lost all my followers (again, crickets chirping......) I suppose I should write about something that people might find SOMEWHAT interesting?!
Like I said, it was a busy week. I finished a big chunk of research for my senior seminar paper, I wrote a book report on "The Odyssey" for Greek Civ, AND I just cranked out a ten day curriculum grid for one of my education classes. Now, as a college senior who has put in a fair share of work towards my education, I have to say three things:
1) Writing a senior seminar paper that has to be at a minimum of 25 pages is not a task to be taken lightly. Leaving the research until the LAST minute is a horrible, horrible decision.
2) There is nothing worse in the world than sitting in NEAR EASTERN AND GREEK CIVILIZATION class on a beautiful Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
3) Actually, there is something worse. It's called designing a curriculum grid for a 6th grade geography class. On a lazy Sunday afternoon. When you got about six hours of sleep. And there is a 16 and Pregnant marathon on MTV.
Those are my weekend/school insights for today. And don't you forget it.
Anyways, my weekend went a little something like this. After I finally got out of class on Friday afternoon, I came home and had a glorious restful evening with Jackie. We watched Four Weddings on TLC for about three hours. Then we decided to take a little dinner break and got sushi at Byerly's. Delicious. Dusty always makes fun of me when I tell him I get sushi because really, I just get California rolls, which are the least sushi-ish of the lot. I can't help it that I enjoy the simple things in life, plus, I can't handle spicy. Our house had a bonfire which went late into Friday evening. I got to catch up with a couple of friends that I haven't seen or spoken to in awhile, so that was really nice.
Saturday was a tougher day. Bethel played St. Thomas, at St. Thomas, for THEIR homecoming. We played our hearts out, and still lost. It was such a close one, and I felt really bad for my dear old dad after the loss. But, it's alright. I still love the Royals, like I have for the last ten years of my life :)
Katie J and I had a few friends over to my house on Saturday night for a relaxing round of movies and treats. As much as I miss hanging out with the BF on Saturday nights, sometimes there is nothing better than laying around with your girlfriends in sweatpants and a greasy pony tail. Sorry if that description was a little nast.
I spent the morning at work (Pres Homes) and then attacked the remainder of my homework for about five hours. I then watched another devastating loss (Vikes vs. Packers) at my parents house tonight. It was great to be with family. The only one we were missing was my sister. I felt full at the end of the night, being around the fam is just always, always the best. My mom made me a delicious taco salad and then we made caramel apples. I guess the whole time I was over there, my brother and Dusty were texting about how they are going to open up a restaurant someday. Hm! Interesting idea, boys! I guess I can't knock it, having two of my favorite guys in the world collaborate on something wonderful ;-) Beau will just have to grow up a little bit, 15 may be a bit young to start up a restaurant....
I'm getting a cold. Dang. And, speaking of cold, that random 80 degree October weather decided to pack up and skip town. It's wet and rainy and brisk outside. And... our heat isn't working at our house. Dang. So I am currently curled up in bed wearing socks and a sweatshirt. Watching Say Yes to the Dress.
Ya think I need to maybe sway away from the bridal stuff? Meh. What can ya do.
One random thing: I decided that for the month of November, I am going to take Sundays off from work. I have just REALLY missed going to church. As much as I love those old people at Eagle Crest, I really miss being spiritually fed on Sundays. Does that make sense? I may be missing out on the money, but I figure, God will still provide! Right? I hope so. It's all good, I trust him. He's been pretty good to me so far.
Hopefully I will have something more interesting to write about tomorrow. Good night friends.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Love is not a fight, but it's something worth fighting for.

The cross pictured hangs right above my mirror in my bedroom. Dust gave it to me on our one year anniversary last October. I didn't expect anything this year for the second anniversary because both of us are pretty much broke, the distance thing plays in, and plus, I just wasn't expecting anything! Well... Look what I got....

I adore yellow roses. Love them. And he just knew. Thanks Dust :) I love them
The two year anniversary was great. I don't like to make a big deal out of anniversaries too much because we still are only in the dating phase, but I still like to acknowledge and celebrate them! We had a skype date at the end of the night that kind of turned sour (it was my fault). I still struggle with getting used to the distance thing and I felt really bad this morning about ending our two year on a bad note. Luckily, I'm dating a guy that is more than understanding, even when he shouldn't be, and for now, I think I'm forgiven :)
Even still I feel bad. I know these last couple of days have been hard for Dust because he has been busy looking for a second job. I shouldn't have put extra stress on him, especially on such a special day. I prayed all day long that God would provide for him, by opening up an opportunity with the job he really wants (valet with my cousin, Reid.) God answered. Nothing is completely set in stone yet, but Dust got the job today! HOORAY FOR GOD'S FAITHFULNESS! :) :) :) This is a huge blessing for him, and for me. Now that Dust has a second job secured, he will {hopefully} be able to find a time to come and visit in the next few weeks. Not knowing when I was going to see him again was the worst, and I think a great contributor to my crabby-ness the past few days.
I found this song through a friend recently that I have been replaying over and over that has helped me to get to the heart of what love really means. Especially after causing a lot of arguments the past couple of weeks. It's really hard for me to sometimes drop the arguing just to know that everything will be okay, above all else. Especially when God is at the center. I absolutely love this song, and I feel that it displays that message of remaining focused on what matters most in a relationship with God and with others, so I wanted to share it with everyone in blogworld. Enjoy.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Cheers to two full years.
Two years ago.....
August, '08.
Summertime and this guy that I knew named DUSTY WAHL started talking to me a little bit more than usual. I was flattered of course because I had gotten to know him earlier in the spring when we had a night class together. We didn't know each other super well, but the way he talked to me made me feel like I could definitely want to get to know him better. We casually texted, saw each other around, and finally, he asked me to go out to talk and "catch up." The funny thing is, we didn't really have anything to catch up on, being that we weren't the closest of friends. Oh well, I said yes of course! He was extremely good looking and I knew that he was a catch, how could I not? And plus, if all else failed, we could always talk about Martin Luther King, since that was the subject of our night class together. We went to this location:

The Island at Northwestern College. A place that holds sentimental value to the both of us for a variety of reasons. We had a great time laughing, talking, and getting to know each other better. I wore a white shirt and squished a bug on the elbow of it by accident and remember thinking I'd blown it. Dang it. Turns out I didn't blow it, I just ruined the shirt. We didn't stop talking that whole night. We covered just about everything: family friends dating school future plans life sports movies jokes memories secrets and the like. It was a really great night. We were supposed to watch a movie after hanging out at the Island but I decided to play it cool and go back to my room. I told him my friend was waiting for me to hang out and I'd have to reschedule. Good move huh? I'm not gonna lie, I really really REALLY wanted to watch the movie!!! But... I thought I shouldn't be too available too soon.
Later in the week, we were talking more and more. Dustin asked me on a whim if I'd want to go to a friends cabin. Uh... DUH!! I will continually thank my dear Maddie forever because she agreed to come along for moral support. So off to the cabin we went. To hang with CJ, Garrett, AND... Dusty Wahl!

Dust and I really hit it off that weekend. It was clear that there was an interest but it was kind of an unspoken thing the entire weekend. We all had a blast together and got along great. I remember watching a scary movie with the whole group and sitting next to Dust on the couch. The kid just would NOT make a move. I made it clear that I was more than okay with cuddling on the couch but still... didn't make the move. It's alright, I'm not bitter :-)
September, '08.
Me and this Dusty guy started hanging out quite a bit. We got to know each other a lot better through more hanging out, talking, texting, bumping in to each other all over school, ya know, the typical things that happen at the exciting start of relationships. We had a blast those first couple of months. We hung out with my friends, his friends. It was great. We had a few dates. One was with another couple at Benihana's, where this was taken:

^Can you tell we were a little nervous to be going out on a date and taking pics?^
I knew all along that Dusty was a special guy. We got along so well together. We had a lot in common. Our dads were friends when we were growing up (They both worked at Northwestern College). My mom's office was next to Wade's. We both loved rap music. We both loved scary movies. We could both talk for hours, but also listen to each other for hours. There was a lot of talking those first couple months. We had a lot of fun dates. We both loved FOOD! And restaurants :) And stupid comedy films. And we both loved God. Had that desire to grow closer to him. We both had a great group of friends. We knew how to have fun together. We still do!
That's the thing that I love, I still have such a blast with Dusty. He makes me laugh. He makes me smile and giggle like a little 7th grader. He shares things with me that just make sense. He has the best advice. He is constructive with that advice. He's intentional about showing love. He's a HOTTIE! He's a softy (yep, he is.) He's just an awesome, amazing, and wonderful guy that I am really lucky to have.
October 18th, 2008.
Our family had just been blessed with the addition of our adorable dog, Moses. We brought the pup to Dusty's football game against Hamline University (where Dustin scored the one and only touchdown!) It was a nail biter game that we ended up WINNING.

Yep, there we are. On that fateful day :)
We went back to the Island, where we had our first date. Hung out, talked, laughed. Went to my parents house. Watched a movie in the basement, sister ran down the stairs..
"I told my friends that we can't hang down here because Casey and her BOYFRIEND are watching in the basement."
Good one, Carls.
Dusty commented that he liked my sister referring to him as "my boyfriend." Me being a little snippy sass, I responded with "Huh! Is that what this is?"
Dust: "Yeah!"
There ya have it
And that was exactly two years ago. TODAY! I can't hardly believe it. My longest relationship! DAHHH!! But the thing is, it's not the amount of time that marks the significance of the relationship. It's the memories, and the genuine friendship, companionship, love that we both have for each other. I am really lucky, guys. I am happy with Dust, the happiest! The luckiest!
Dustin Wade, I love you. You are my favorite person on the face of this planet. You are so funny. You are so smart in your own way. You are so amazing! I love who you are. I am so thankful for you. You are a great friend, great boyfriend, great person. I miss you.
Happy 2 year to us!
August, '08.
Summertime and this guy that I knew named DUSTY WAHL started talking to me a little bit more than usual. I was flattered of course because I had gotten to know him earlier in the spring when we had a night class together. We didn't know each other super well, but the way he talked to me made me feel like I could definitely want to get to know him better. We casually texted, saw each other around, and finally, he asked me to go out to talk and "catch up." The funny thing is, we didn't really have anything to catch up on, being that we weren't the closest of friends. Oh well, I said yes of course! He was extremely good looking and I knew that he was a catch, how could I not? And plus, if all else failed, we could always talk about Martin Luther King, since that was the subject of our night class together. We went to this location:
The Island at Northwestern College. A place that holds sentimental value to the both of us for a variety of reasons. We had a great time laughing, talking, and getting to know each other better. I wore a white shirt and squished a bug on the elbow of it by accident and remember thinking I'd blown it. Dang it. Turns out I didn't blow it, I just ruined the shirt. We didn't stop talking that whole night. We covered just about everything: family friends dating school future plans life sports movies jokes memories secrets and the like. It was a really great night. We were supposed to watch a movie after hanging out at the Island but I decided to play it cool and go back to my room. I told him my friend was waiting for me to hang out and I'd have to reschedule. Good move huh? I'm not gonna lie, I really really REALLY wanted to watch the movie!!! But... I thought I shouldn't be too available too soon.
Later in the week, we were talking more and more. Dustin asked me on a whim if I'd want to go to a friends cabin. Uh... DUH!! I will continually thank my dear Maddie forever because she agreed to come along for moral support. So off to the cabin we went. To hang with CJ, Garrett, AND... Dusty Wahl!
Dust and I really hit it off that weekend. It was clear that there was an interest but it was kind of an unspoken thing the entire weekend. We all had a blast together and got along great. I remember watching a scary movie with the whole group and sitting next to Dust on the couch. The kid just would NOT make a move. I made it clear that I was more than okay with cuddling on the couch but still... didn't make the move. It's alright, I'm not bitter :-)
September, '08.
Me and this Dusty guy started hanging out quite a bit. We got to know each other a lot better through more hanging out, talking, texting, bumping in to each other all over school, ya know, the typical things that happen at the exciting start of relationships. We had a blast those first couple of months. We hung out with my friends, his friends. It was great. We had a few dates. One was with another couple at Benihana's, where this was taken:

^Can you tell we were a little nervous to be going out on a date and taking pics?^
I knew all along that Dusty was a special guy. We got along so well together. We had a lot in common. Our dads were friends when we were growing up (They both worked at Northwestern College). My mom's office was next to Wade's. We both loved rap music. We both loved scary movies. We could both talk for hours, but also listen to each other for hours. There was a lot of talking those first couple months. We had a lot of fun dates. We both loved FOOD! And restaurants :) And stupid comedy films. And we both loved God. Had that desire to grow closer to him. We both had a great group of friends. We knew how to have fun together. We still do!
That's the thing that I love, I still have such a blast with Dusty. He makes me laugh. He makes me smile and giggle like a little 7th grader. He shares things with me that just make sense. He has the best advice. He is constructive with that advice. He's intentional about showing love. He's a HOTTIE! He's a softy (yep, he is.) He's just an awesome, amazing, and wonderful guy that I am really lucky to have.
October 18th, 2008.
Our family had just been blessed with the addition of our adorable dog, Moses. We brought the pup to Dusty's football game against Hamline University (where Dustin scored the one and only touchdown!) It was a nail biter game that we ended up WINNING.
Yep, there we are. On that fateful day :)
We went back to the Island, where we had our first date. Hung out, talked, laughed. Went to my parents house. Watched a movie in the basement, sister ran down the stairs..
"I told my friends that we can't hang down here because Casey and her BOYFRIEND are watching in the basement."
Good one, Carls.
Dusty commented that he liked my sister referring to him as "my boyfriend." Me being a little snippy sass, I responded with "Huh! Is that what this is?"
Dust: "Yeah!"
There ya have it
And that was exactly two years ago. TODAY! I can't hardly believe it. My longest relationship! DAHHH!! But the thing is, it's not the amount of time that marks the significance of the relationship. It's the memories, and the genuine friendship, companionship, love that we both have for each other. I am really lucky, guys. I am happy with Dust, the happiest! The luckiest!
Dustin Wade, I love you. You are my favorite person on the face of this planet. You are so funny. You are so smart in your own way. You are so amazing! I love who you are. I am so thankful for you. You are a great friend, great boyfriend, great person. I miss you.
Happy 2 year to us!

Friday, October 15, 2010
Look who I get to babysit this weekend.....

No, I'm not babysitting a RAT ;-) It's Duke!! Dusty/Callie/Char's dog! Look at him! He decided to take up residency on my bed this morning while I was getting ready for schoooooooool. Char and Callie went out of town for the Wahl grandparents 60th wedding anniversary so I am the official dogsitter for a couple of days.
I had a rather hectic morning... As I was leaving my house, I could NOT find my keys. Not for the life of me. I turned my room, bathroom, and living room upside down looking for them and got really stressed out. I decided to not call Dusty out of frustration because he is always my go-to person when I'm freaking out and need to vent. I finally found them in the TRUNK of my car (Yeah, I know, what the heck??!) But ended up missing Chapel in the process. I finally get up for Chapel and still find a way to miss it. Dang it.
But everything is fine now. I had a great night last night celebrating my friend Lindsey's birthday. We went out to dinner at Seven Sushi downtown and then went to a dive karaoke bar that ended up being really fun! In a rush to clean out my back seat last night (so people could actually sit in my car) I threw a ton of crap in the trunk, along with my keys. I used my spare to drive home in a rush and so that is how the key situation came about. Sometimes, I want to hit myself upside the head to knock some sense into it.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to spending the evening celebrating homecoming at the homecoming banquet, and seeing Triple Espresso (a comedy play) with my mom, grandma, and brother. I miss my bro. I haven't seen him/hung out with him in a while. It will be good to have a little family time! Then I'll go home and play with Duke. And maybe let him sleep in my bed. Just don't tell Char.
I'm excited to write on Monday because it is a very special day..................
Happy weekend! :)

No, I'm not babysitting a RAT ;-) It's Duke!! Dusty/Callie/Char's dog! Look at him! He decided to take up residency on my bed this morning while I was getting ready for schoooooooool. Char and Callie went out of town for the Wahl grandparents 60th wedding anniversary so I am the official dogsitter for a couple of days.
I had a rather hectic morning... As I was leaving my house, I could NOT find my keys. Not for the life of me. I turned my room, bathroom, and living room upside down looking for them and got really stressed out. I decided to not call Dusty out of frustration because he is always my go-to person when I'm freaking out and need to vent. I finally found them in the TRUNK of my car (Yeah, I know, what the heck??!) But ended up missing Chapel in the process. I finally get up for Chapel and still find a way to miss it. Dang it.
But everything is fine now. I had a great night last night celebrating my friend Lindsey's birthday. We went out to dinner at Seven Sushi downtown and then went to a dive karaoke bar that ended up being really fun! In a rush to clean out my back seat last night (so people could actually sit in my car) I threw a ton of crap in the trunk, along with my keys. I used my spare to drive home in a rush and so that is how the key situation came about. Sometimes, I want to hit myself upside the head to knock some sense into it.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to spending the evening celebrating homecoming at the homecoming banquet, and seeing Triple Espresso (a comedy play) with my mom, grandma, and brother. I miss my bro. I haven't seen him/hung out with him in a while. It will be good to have a little family time! Then I'll go home and play with Duke. And maybe let him sleep in my bed. Just don't tell Char.
I'm excited to write on Monday because it is a very special day..................
Happy weekend! :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Whew. Taking a deep breath.
Well, last night was a little rough. I ended up writing a post about frustrations, irritations, about nothing at all in particular. I ended up deleting it because things tend to be a little more dramatic at night. Am I right? But I don't want this to turn into some emo rant blog where all I do is complain and carry on about my emotions when I'm tired and weepy at night.
Bottom line is, I need to start getting in shape when it comes to my attitude. I'm having a hard time adjusting to a new season of life. What else is new? Who out there can't relate, ya know? I'm trying to start today. It's a process, I'm working on it :)
Today has been a really cool day! I don't know if I have ever written about this, and if you aren't a nerd at heart like me than feel free to skip over this. I'm in my senior seminar class for my history major and the class is basically writing a research paper on a topic of our choice. I chose to write about how children's public television shows influenced early childhood education over the last thirty years. A few weeks ago, we had dinner at our professor's house (a fun night in itself) and I mentioned my topic, and a girl in my class said she interned with TPT (Minneapolis' PBS station) and said she knew of a bunch of old children's show footage available that might help. WHAT?! Just exactly what I needed! I made an appointment with her old boss and this morning, we met to go over the footage. It was so awesome! I had no idea I would be visiting a television station. The building was located in downtown St. Paul. I walked in and there were tv sets all across the lobby playing episode of Sesame Street. Brendan, the man I was meeting with, met me and brought me up to his office. It was the coolest thing, you guys! I was in the middle of a television studio/set. It turns out that Brendan is the producer of the show Almanac on PBS, a show I don't really watch but have heard of. His office had EMMY awards hanging on the shelf!! NUTS! Anyway, he put together about three discs of material containing examples of children shows produced in Minnesota over the last few years. We watched some of the footage together and it was so interesting. I know I'm kind of a history nerd, but it was such a cool, random experience. And EXACTLY what I was looking for in terms of sources. He even gave me the email address for the hosts of these shows, they are retired old men who still help out at the station!
It was such a great thing to have that experience today. I was so nervous that it would be a waste of time, it was the complete opposite. I loved it!
I am looking forward to tonight also. Some of my roommates and I are going out for a friends birthday. Amy just made pumpkin muffins, they were delicious. I wore a scarf today. Hello fall. Already I am having a much better day, than last night when I was just reveling in the negative.
Other exciting news... Dusty found a place in Florida! Ya ready for this??

That right there is Dusty's home! Look at it! Maybe a little old looking, but do you see all those palm trees? And can you imagine the space???!
I'm so proud of that guy. I don't know many that could establish themselves that quickly in another state. Yay for Dust.
Hopefully I'll write again tomorrow, I'm looking forward to Homecoming at BU this weekend!!
Bottom line is, I need to start getting in shape when it comes to my attitude. I'm having a hard time adjusting to a new season of life. What else is new? Who out there can't relate, ya know? I'm trying to start today. It's a process, I'm working on it :)
Today has been a really cool day! I don't know if I have ever written about this, and if you aren't a nerd at heart like me than feel free to skip over this. I'm in my senior seminar class for my history major and the class is basically writing a research paper on a topic of our choice. I chose to write about how children's public television shows influenced early childhood education over the last thirty years. A few weeks ago, we had dinner at our professor's house (a fun night in itself) and I mentioned my topic, and a girl in my class said she interned with TPT (Minneapolis' PBS station) and said she knew of a bunch of old children's show footage available that might help. WHAT?! Just exactly what I needed! I made an appointment with her old boss and this morning, we met to go over the footage. It was so awesome! I had no idea I would be visiting a television station. The building was located in downtown St. Paul. I walked in and there were tv sets all across the lobby playing episode of Sesame Street. Brendan, the man I was meeting with, met me and brought me up to his office. It was the coolest thing, you guys! I was in the middle of a television studio/set. It turns out that Brendan is the producer of the show Almanac on PBS, a show I don't really watch but have heard of. His office had EMMY awards hanging on the shelf!! NUTS! Anyway, he put together about three discs of material containing examples of children shows produced in Minnesota over the last few years. We watched some of the footage together and it was so interesting. I know I'm kind of a history nerd, but it was such a cool, random experience. And EXACTLY what I was looking for in terms of sources. He even gave me the email address for the hosts of these shows, they are retired old men who still help out at the station!
It was such a great thing to have that experience today. I was so nervous that it would be a waste of time, it was the complete opposite. I loved it!
I am looking forward to tonight also. Some of my roommates and I are going out for a friends birthday. Amy just made pumpkin muffins, they were delicious. I wore a scarf today. Hello fall. Already I am having a much better day, than last night when I was just reveling in the negative.
Other exciting news... Dusty found a place in Florida! Ya ready for this??

That right there is Dusty's home! Look at it! Maybe a little old looking, but do you see all those palm trees? And can you imagine the space???!
I'm so proud of that guy. I don't know many that could establish themselves that quickly in another state. Yay for Dust.
Hopefully I'll write again tomorrow, I'm looking forward to Homecoming at BU this weekend!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Listen to this and dream
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A thought.
My first order of business writing today is to give a special someone a SHOUT OUT!
Dear Callie Joy Elizabeth Christina Marie Wahl.
I had an amazing time with you and your mom on Sunday night. You two are the best. You make me laugh. And sushi is tasty. And so is edamame. But even more sweet is the time I got with my tied-for-second favorite Wahls.
(In case you don't understand, my mom and I got to go out to dinner Sunday with Callie, Dusty's sister, and his mom, Char. Char lives in AZ and came up for a couple of weeks. We went to Osaka in Roseville and had a great time. I just had written my weekend post prior to dinner, so I forgot to include that fun last part of the weekend. Oh, and Callie doesn't really have that many middle names. We just pretend. For fun.)
Anyways, I have been doing a lot of random thinking, reflecting, and praying lately about a variety of things. I have mainly been thinking about and thanking God these days for the little blessings in my life. No matter how big or small they are.
I am sitting right now in a part of campus that is pretty secluded and quiet (because I am trying to crank out a quick assignment with little distraction). There is this woman who works at Bethel's dining center that knows Dusty fairly well through her daughter. She has always been really nice both to him and to me and this year we have been talking randomly when she asked why I didn't graduate with Dust. She didn't know that we are a year apart and ever since that conversation, she has been so friendly and thoughtful when asking questions about his plans, our relationships, my plans, how school is going. The little things in life. She always shows interest in things having to do with my life and does it often during the busiest times of the day. Even if it puts her behind in her job, she is just plain nice!
I just saw her walk out to her car and I quietly thanked God for her kindness. I thanked God that she is a small blessing. It got me to thinking... Has anyone ever done that when they saw me walk by? Or thought/prayed something similar? I want to live my life in a way that I can be God's blessing to others. I don't want to get a big head, but I want to show God's love to others in a way that allows them to feel that someone genuinely cares.
I also had lunch today with my best friend from high school, Leah. She has really developed a solid, strong faith over the past few years and really has a smart mind when it comes to a relationship with God. We had lunch at Eddingtons, a favorite of ours from high school and when I got there, I noticed she had struck up a conversation with this young guy that worked there. He was talking about how he was saving up his money to do buy something that honored his mother, who had recently passed away. He couldn't have been more then twenty years old. We got our food and midway through, Leah pulled out a twenty dollar bill. She ended up giving it to the man she was talking to earlier. I asked her about it and she just said that God sometimes gives her a push to help others in that way. Not all the time, but sometimes. And she felt that push at Eddingtons. I thought that was pretty cool. Not just that she most certainly made that mans day, but she blessed him with something and showed him God's love.
I really want to start intentionally living life that way. I don't have much to give right now other than kind words and a heart for people. But sometimes that is all it takes. I am still thinking pretty hard about that question.... Am I a blessing to others?
Dear Callie Joy Elizabeth Christina Marie Wahl.
I had an amazing time with you and your mom on Sunday night. You two are the best. You make me laugh. And sushi is tasty. And so is edamame. But even more sweet is the time I got with my tied-for-second favorite Wahls.
(In case you don't understand, my mom and I got to go out to dinner Sunday with Callie, Dusty's sister, and his mom, Char. Char lives in AZ and came up for a couple of weeks. We went to Osaka in Roseville and had a great time. I just had written my weekend post prior to dinner, so I forgot to include that fun last part of the weekend. Oh, and Callie doesn't really have that many middle names. We just pretend. For fun.)
Anyways, I have been doing a lot of random thinking, reflecting, and praying lately about a variety of things. I have mainly been thinking about and thanking God these days for the little blessings in my life. No matter how big or small they are.
I am sitting right now in a part of campus that is pretty secluded and quiet (because I am trying to crank out a quick assignment with little distraction). There is this woman who works at Bethel's dining center that knows Dusty fairly well through her daughter. She has always been really nice both to him and to me and this year we have been talking randomly when she asked why I didn't graduate with Dust. She didn't know that we are a year apart and ever since that conversation, she has been so friendly and thoughtful when asking questions about his plans, our relationships, my plans, how school is going. The little things in life. She always shows interest in things having to do with my life and does it often during the busiest times of the day. Even if it puts her behind in her job, she is just plain nice!
I just saw her walk out to her car and I quietly thanked God for her kindness. I thanked God that she is a small blessing. It got me to thinking... Has anyone ever done that when they saw me walk by? Or thought/prayed something similar? I want to live my life in a way that I can be God's blessing to others. I don't want to get a big head, but I want to show God's love to others in a way that allows them to feel that someone genuinely cares.
I also had lunch today with my best friend from high school, Leah. She has really developed a solid, strong faith over the past few years and really has a smart mind when it comes to a relationship with God. We had lunch at Eddingtons, a favorite of ours from high school and when I got there, I noticed she had struck up a conversation with this young guy that worked there. He was talking about how he was saving up his money to do buy something that honored his mother, who had recently passed away. He couldn't have been more then twenty years old. We got our food and midway through, Leah pulled out a twenty dollar bill. She ended up giving it to the man she was talking to earlier. I asked her about it and she just said that God sometimes gives her a push to help others in that way. Not all the time, but sometimes. And she felt that push at Eddingtons. I thought that was pretty cool. Not just that she most certainly made that mans day, but she blessed him with something and showed him God's love.
I really want to start intentionally living life that way. I don't have much to give right now other than kind words and a heart for people. But sometimes that is all it takes. I am still thinking pretty hard about that question.... Am I a blessing to others?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Hi, everyone! Sorry I was emotionally unable to update on my fabulous trip these past few days. I do want to recap on Florida because honestly, it may have been one of the most memorable and fun vacations I have ever had. There were so many funny moments and great times spent not only with Dusty, but with my cousin Reid and his roommate Trevor. And of course, recap on the past weekend because it was a BLAST!
Since there was so much crammed into six short days, I just wanted to highlight some of my favorite memories from the Florida trip:
-Of course, seeing Dusty after a long month apart. We had such a great time together.
-Seeing Reid and Trevor too of course :)
Okay, so now that that's out of the way, here are some of the fun things we did during my stay!
-Bowled for free at BOWL LAND in Naples after a delicious home cooked meal of tacos, made by Dusty!!
-Spent ALL day Friday at Marco Island. Dusty and I went there this past March for Spring Break and had a great time there. It's a beautiful little island with a very pretty beach area.
-Stayed a day and night in Ft. Myers with Reid and Trev. Beached it all day Saturday! Trevor and Reid decided to go for a walk along the beach in Ft. Myers so Dusty and I stayed back with all our stuff and ended up seeing the COOLEST dolphin feeding frenzy ever! I was in the water and saw a fin surface, so I screamed for Dust and he joined me to see if the dolphin would come back. Right as he got in, we looked to our right and saw all these fish just jumping like crazy, darting in and out of the waves. Now keep in mind, this is about twenty feet from us and in about five feet of water! All of a sudden, two more dolphins appeared and started to go after the fish that were darting, obviously away from the dolphins in an effort to NOT get eaten! It was one of those things that you feel is once in a lifetime. Awesome
-Went to a beachside bar that was most definitely cougar central. No woman under 30, is my guess. Life music was provided by a 90's cover band. It was an interesting night to say the least.
-Saw "The Social Network" on my last day. That movie=brilliant. Especially if you are a facebook addict like I am. It's kind of a crazy story how that all came to be. I highly recommend you go see it.
Those are the highlights that stick out to me right now. It might not sound like much but honestly, it was so nice just to be able to relax and hang out with people who I love and missed a lot. I am grateful for every minute :)
Now for the weekend...
My dear roommate Randi celebrated 22 years of life this past Wednesday. Naturally in her honor, we threw her a party. And since beautiful Randi hails from New Jersey, we decided to make it a Jersey Shore party. Now I don't condone or promote this show in any way, because really, it's trash. But because Randi is pretty much the opposite of trash, we thought it would be hilarious to make the party Jersey themed. Here are a couple of my favorite pics from the celebration:

Of course, the birthday girl blowing out her candles, trying not to get the black hair dye on the cake!

Nicole really did it well as Snooki, but because I'm blonde, it was hard to replicate

The guys pretty much made the party because they really went FULL out for the Jersey theme!
Saturday was also a great day. Bethel football played St. Johns.. who may be one of our biggest rivals. They are pretty much a powerhouse every year and while we HAVE beaten them three out of the last four years, it's still always a huge scare because somehow they always manage to make the game scary up to the very end. Well... guess what? We beat em. We did it. 17 to 14. I think my dad was in his coaching glory because the defense played awesome. I'm so pumped for the Royals.
I then had dinner with my parents and the rest of the coaching staff and we went to watch my roommate Hannah beat Wisconsin-Superior at her volleyball game at Bethel! Two victories in one day for the good old BU.
Last night ended with a little social gathering at a friends house. Some of our junior friends had a "Fall Flannual" party where you have to wear flannel shirts. There was bobbing for apples, fresh apple cider, caramel apples, and brownies along with country music, a bonfire and did I mention? 85 degree weather? Yea, all day yesterday was a heat wave here in MN. I'm not quite sure where this came from out of the blue, but it was kind of nice to keep up my tan! :)
So yea, that has been my life for the last ten or so days... A lot going on and I LOVE it! This upcoming week is Homecoming at school and there is a lot to look forward to! I will be sure to keep updating over the next week. Glad I finally cranked out the Florida update though, that was a long time coming!
See ya later!
Since there was so much crammed into six short days, I just wanted to highlight some of my favorite memories from the Florida trip:
-Of course, seeing Dusty after a long month apart. We had such a great time together.
-Seeing Reid and Trevor too of course :)
Okay, so now that that's out of the way, here are some of the fun things we did during my stay!
-Bowled for free at BOWL LAND in Naples after a delicious home cooked meal of tacos, made by Dusty!!
-Spent ALL day Friday at Marco Island. Dusty and I went there this past March for Spring Break and had a great time there. It's a beautiful little island with a very pretty beach area.
-Stayed a day and night in Ft. Myers with Reid and Trev. Beached it all day Saturday! Trevor and Reid decided to go for a walk along the beach in Ft. Myers so Dusty and I stayed back with all our stuff and ended up seeing the COOLEST dolphin feeding frenzy ever! I was in the water and saw a fin surface, so I screamed for Dust and he joined me to see if the dolphin would come back. Right as he got in, we looked to our right and saw all these fish just jumping like crazy, darting in and out of the waves. Now keep in mind, this is about twenty feet from us and in about five feet of water! All of a sudden, two more dolphins appeared and started to go after the fish that were darting, obviously away from the dolphins in an effort to NOT get eaten! It was one of those things that you feel is once in a lifetime. Awesome
-Went to a beachside bar that was most definitely cougar central. No woman under 30, is my guess. Life music was provided by a 90's cover band. It was an interesting night to say the least.
-Saw "The Social Network" on my last day. That movie=brilliant. Especially if you are a facebook addict like I am. It's kind of a crazy story how that all came to be. I highly recommend you go see it.
Those are the highlights that stick out to me right now. It might not sound like much but honestly, it was so nice just to be able to relax and hang out with people who I love and missed a lot. I am grateful for every minute :)
Now for the weekend...
My dear roommate Randi celebrated 22 years of life this past Wednesday. Naturally in her honor, we threw her a party. And since beautiful Randi hails from New Jersey, we decided to make it a Jersey Shore party. Now I don't condone or promote this show in any way, because really, it's trash. But because Randi is pretty much the opposite of trash, we thought it would be hilarious to make the party Jersey themed. Here are a couple of my favorite pics from the celebration:
Of course, the birthday girl blowing out her candles, trying not to get the black hair dye on the cake!
Nicole really did it well as Snooki, but because I'm blonde, it was hard to replicate
The guys pretty much made the party because they really went FULL out for the Jersey theme!
Saturday was also a great day. Bethel football played St. Johns.. who may be one of our biggest rivals. They are pretty much a powerhouse every year and while we HAVE beaten them three out of the last four years, it's still always a huge scare because somehow they always manage to make the game scary up to the very end. Well... guess what? We beat em. We did it. 17 to 14. I think my dad was in his coaching glory because the defense played awesome. I'm so pumped for the Royals.
I then had dinner with my parents and the rest of the coaching staff and we went to watch my roommate Hannah beat Wisconsin-Superior at her volleyball game at Bethel! Two victories in one day for the good old BU.
Last night ended with a little social gathering at a friends house. Some of our junior friends had a "Fall Flannual" party where you have to wear flannel shirts. There was bobbing for apples, fresh apple cider, caramel apples, and brownies along with country music, a bonfire and did I mention? 85 degree weather? Yea, all day yesterday was a heat wave here in MN. I'm not quite sure where this came from out of the blue, but it was kind of nice to keep up my tan! :)
So yea, that has been my life for the last ten or so days... A lot going on and I LOVE it! This upcoming week is Homecoming at school and there is a lot to look forward to! I will be sure to keep updating over the next week. Glad I finally cranked out the Florida update though, that was a long time coming!
See ya later!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Can I be just a little emo for a second?
This post.... it's gonna be kind of sad.
And it's hard to really write how you are truly feeling when you are doing it on the internet. To quote a movie I recently saw (that was also SUPER good), The Social Network.... "What you write on the internet is written in Pen, not Pencil."
But writing is therapy for me. And I had to write an essay exam today that took me 55 minutes. My hand is so sore from writing I could just saw it right off and chuck it out my window. I have this blog, and typing comes pretty easy to me, so......
First off. Listen to this song. Music has the amazing ability with me to just kind of capture everything I feel and put it into words that I just can't seem to say. Or find.
I remember listening to that song way back in the day and just thinking "How sad is this!" But it is a great song. And I have been playing it in my head all day like I am the main character in a romantic movie just wondering why oh why oh why am I separated from my PERSON.
I do not like long distance relationships. I don't. I can't stand being away from somebody that I love. I hate constantly checking my phone for a text or a call. I hate talking on the phone for extended periods of time. I don't like Skype. It's weird to me. It's almost like some sort of sick tease!
I hate being separated by distance from the person I love and miss, like so much that I can't even explain it.
Quick update: As of now, Dust is thinking that Florida might be where he wants to settle. After juggling a lot of different ideas and spending time down there with my cousin and his roommate, he has decided that he wants to give it a try. It sounds like he has a job lined up, and is looking at apartments right now. He's doing it. He's going through with things.
And I am so sad.
I am completely proud and excited for Dust that he was able to just do it. Fulfilling a goal. But it's at the cost of some major happiness for me. I know thats it's completely my choice: Happiness or Sadness. But I don't like having to choose happiness in lieu of a crappy situation.
Distance and separation after an amazing vacation together is really really hard to juggle and get used to.
And just so ya know, I DO plan on writing about how great of a trip it really was. Just not tonight. I need a couple days to get settled back in and deal with these feelings.
I know that there are people who read this blog that have dealt with heartache, separation and pain from those they love. I also know just from my own experiences, and experiences of others that beauty comes out of the pain. Those are the things that encourage me in this hard time of adjusting and prayer for guidance and help. Because I am extremely close with my mom, I called her today just to kind of vent the frustrations that go along with your boyfriend choosing to move away. Just like I knew she would, she quoted scripture and encouraged me to just stick my head up. At the time, I really got mad at her for not seeing how sad I was. But she told me to read Proverbs 16. I did.
Proverbs 16:1 "We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives us the right answer."
and 16:9 " We can make our own plans, but the Lord determines our steps."
and the last verse, 16:33 "We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall."
It might not make sense at first why I chose these verses. I find it to be completely sensical (word?). I have no idea where life is headed for me, for Dust, and for our relationship right now. But I have a Father who loves me in the meantime, unconditionally, and who has a perfectly made plan set out for me, for Dust, and for our relationship. And I think that God really wanted me to know that today. He made it perfectly clear in the beginning, middle, and very end of this passage. This was his truth for me today.
Sometimes, God works in pretty simple yet amazing ways. And even though my heart feels pretty beat and broken right now, I feel like there is a "bandage" of healing being set on the surface, placed by God. Reassurance that everything is gonna be okay.
That's all, I guess. Still sad. But trusting, and hoping.
{One last thing, I really missed blogging while I was gone on my vacation. It is good to be back , for those of you who read :) I appreciate you all, and I hope you know that. Thanks for letting me vent. And thanks to the people who are open to sharing about tough times and separation. I get a lot of encouragement from reading your blogs and seeing how God fits into the plan, no matter what}
And it's hard to really write how you are truly feeling when you are doing it on the internet. To quote a movie I recently saw (that was also SUPER good), The Social Network.... "What you write on the internet is written in Pen, not Pencil."
But writing is therapy for me. And I had to write an essay exam today that took me 55 minutes. My hand is so sore from writing I could just saw it right off and chuck it out my window. I have this blog, and typing comes pretty easy to me, so......
First off. Listen to this song. Music has the amazing ability with me to just kind of capture everything I feel and put it into words that I just can't seem to say. Or find.
I remember listening to that song way back in the day and just thinking "How sad is this!" But it is a great song. And I have been playing it in my head all day like I am the main character in a romantic movie just wondering why oh why oh why am I separated from my PERSON.
I do not like long distance relationships. I don't. I can't stand being away from somebody that I love. I hate constantly checking my phone for a text or a call. I hate talking on the phone for extended periods of time. I don't like Skype. It's weird to me. It's almost like some sort of sick tease!
I hate being separated by distance from the person I love and miss, like so much that I can't even explain it.
Quick update: As of now, Dust is thinking that Florida might be where he wants to settle. After juggling a lot of different ideas and spending time down there with my cousin and his roommate, he has decided that he wants to give it a try. It sounds like he has a job lined up, and is looking at apartments right now. He's doing it. He's going through with things.
And I am so sad.
I am completely proud and excited for Dust that he was able to just do it. Fulfilling a goal. But it's at the cost of some major happiness for me. I know thats it's completely my choice: Happiness or Sadness. But I don't like having to choose happiness in lieu of a crappy situation.
Distance and separation after an amazing vacation together is really really hard to juggle and get used to.
And just so ya know, I DO plan on writing about how great of a trip it really was. Just not tonight. I need a couple days to get settled back in and deal with these feelings.
I know that there are people who read this blog that have dealt with heartache, separation and pain from those they love. I also know just from my own experiences, and experiences of others that beauty comes out of the pain. Those are the things that encourage me in this hard time of adjusting and prayer for guidance and help. Because I am extremely close with my mom, I called her today just to kind of vent the frustrations that go along with your boyfriend choosing to move away. Just like I knew she would, she quoted scripture and encouraged me to just stick my head up. At the time, I really got mad at her for not seeing how sad I was. But she told me to read Proverbs 16. I did.
Proverbs 16:1 "We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives us the right answer."
and 16:9 " We can make our own plans, but the Lord determines our steps."
and the last verse, 16:33 "We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall."
It might not make sense at first why I chose these verses. I find it to be completely sensical (word?). I have no idea where life is headed for me, for Dust, and for our relationship right now. But I have a Father who loves me in the meantime, unconditionally, and who has a perfectly made plan set out for me, for Dust, and for our relationship. And I think that God really wanted me to know that today. He made it perfectly clear in the beginning, middle, and very end of this passage. This was his truth for me today.
Sometimes, God works in pretty simple yet amazing ways. And even though my heart feels pretty beat and broken right now, I feel like there is a "bandage" of healing being set on the surface, placed by God. Reassurance that everything is gonna be okay.
That's all, I guess. Still sad. But trusting, and hoping.
{One last thing, I really missed blogging while I was gone on my vacation. It is good to be back , for those of you who read :) I appreciate you all, and I hope you know that. Thanks for letting me vent. And thanks to the people who are open to sharing about tough times and separation. I get a lot of encouragement from reading your blogs and seeing how God fits into the plan, no matter what}
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