This is a beautiful picture that Dusty took on his cell phone in Portland, Maine. I'm pretty sure it's Portland, anyway. I am loving the picture messages that I randomly get through out my days from Dust. His travels have still been going smoothly and he is enjoying all that the east coast has to offer! We talk several times through out the day and I get to hear all about life on the road. He says Maine is very beautiful (I have never been there, unfortunately) and the descriptions and pictures that he has sent to me live up to that statement. Apparently there is a 'sale' going on- Lobster for $3 a pound!!!! I am insanely jealous. I love love love Lobster. I love it THIS much....
I love pretty much any kind of seafood, but lobster is at the tip top of my list. I want lobster RIGHT NOW!!!
(Upon review of the photo above, I would like to apologize for my crazed devilish look. Not quite sure if its the red eye, or maybe I am just not very photogenic.)
Anyways, here are a few more updates from the man on the road
-Stopped in Pittsburgh and had a nice quiet dinner {I was sent a video of a quaint little nighttime spot where music was playing, looked very romantic. Too bad he was BY HIMSELF!!!! :) Kidding, kind of}
-Crossed four state lines in the span of about two hours: NY, New Hampshire, Massachusets, and Maine!
-Visited a couple more Man vs. Food locations, but I can't remember where and which ones they were at the moment.
Today was a pretty lame day for me in terms of doing stuff. I did get three postcards in the mail today from Dusty. One from Detroit, one from the Indiana dunes and one from Pittsburgh! That was a nice little surprise, even though I knew they were coming. Maddie got a package in the mail today ALL THE WAY FROM AUSTRALIA! From a special friend of hers from YWAM :) I was dying to open the package myself because we are all so pumped for her, but I waited and let her do the honors! Billy (special friend) sent Maddie these amazingly delicious cookies called 'Squiggles' that are sold in New Zealand (where Maddie spent 5 months doing YWAM). I could eat fifty more of those cookies. Wow. Amazing. Thanks Billy. I can thank him publicly because I am 100% sure he doesn't read this blog so I won't feel like a weirdo creep. Wow, just ate another squiggle. Bliss.
I'm so happy for Maddie. I like that she has such a great guy friend that likes her enough to send her packages all the way from freakin' AUSTRALIA.
Tonight at work, one of my favorite old guys ever, AL, told me that when I walk around the tables all fast, it makes him feel really old. And as he was saying that, his CELL PHONE WENT OFF IN HIS POCKET! Is it just me, or does the thought of an 85 year old man answering his cell phone in the dining room of EC make you laugh, just a little bit? Not to mention, it was his GIRLFRIEND calling :-) Ah, love. Normally I would say 'young love' but he's old, so it's just love!!
As long as I'm talking about old people...I am feeling so thankful for my grandpa today. I mentioned this yesterday, but he came over to my house and fixed my closet (which had been out of commission for a good month or two). My grandpa is 89, and wearing down just a bit, but he still has such a strong work ethic and it is so evident that his heart is happiest when he is serving others. He has been this way my whole life. Over the years he has made both mine and my sisters bed frames, fixed the roof at our house, installed many an appliance, repaired many a fuse, and now, fixed my precious closet! As I was hanging all my clothes up, I just thought to myself, I love Grandpa Rodney. He has no problem taking the time out of his day to help somebody out. I am thankful to have such a great model of what a servant's heart looks like. It's a pretty strong testament to who he is that he is so willing to help out even at such an old age!!
That's about all for today. This week is off to a great start! After a bit of a dull, sad day yesterday, it's nice to be able to look back on today with a smile because it was full of little, random enjoyable moments.
Have a great night everyone :)
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I do it for the fans!
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