Sunday, November 6, 2011

What have you been up to, Casey Miller?

Well, it's funny you asked. As it turns out, teaching (even long term subbing) takes quite a toll on the spare time I manage to find at the very end of my days... However, the following list is comprised of the things that I HAVE managed to find time for despite my busy schedule.

#1 The Wonder Years. 
Never before had I experienced this classic '80's-Early '90's television gem until I was perusing Netflix late one evening. I go through phases where I watch a show until I finish it, and then refuse to start a new one because I convince myself that the new show will never be as amazing as the last completed show. This has happened to me on numerous occasions with 30 Rock, Law and Order SVU, and Desperate Housewives. Well, I bit the bullet and decided to give TWY a chance. Instantly I knew, I had made an amazing decision. I don't think there was ever a better television combination than Fred Savage as Kevin Arnold, cruising through the teenage years all while experiencing late 1960's to early 1970's America. I can't get enough of the sticky situations and goofy sitcom humor and I know this is going to be one of these shows that I miss like an old friend once it's finished. I am currently on Season 4 and there are 6 seasons total. This will be a difficult show to part ways with. *Added bonus: an early episode features Ben Savage, brother to main character Kevin, who happens to play Cory Matthews in one of my favorite television shows of all time, Boy Meets World.

#2 Pinterest. 
Need I say more? Actually, a couple of weeks ago Dusty texted me asking... "WHAT THE HECK IS PINTEREST?!"
The only complaint I have about this brilliant social media mecca is that realistically, I will NEVER attempt any of the DIY pins I have posted to my board, and I will never attempt to use any of my Wedding pins in the future because I'm too afraid that they will show up in someone ELSES wedding. That's the problem with Pinterest. But I keep on pinning anyway. 

#3 Fantasy Football.
I didn't initially care about Fantasy Football. I was only doing it because a lot of our good friends were and I wanted to join in on the fun. Now... I'm kind of hooked because instead of disregarding my line up every week because my team was sucking, I'm highly interested because with a little change of luck (and lineup last week) I ended up defeating Dusty 94 to 98. I won for the second week in a row against another friend of ours 90 to 71 (that could change since I still have one player currently in play). I guess I've gotten a taste of winning and boy does it taste good.

And in all honesty, that kind of completes the list for right now. School has been busy with parent-teacher conferences, and Friday we had a staff day. We also don't have classes this coming Friday because of the third round of conferences. So that means that in the entire month of November, we have school on one Friday. Meh.

I also have now been without my precious engagement ring for two weeks now, and after a phone call from the jeweler yesterday, it appears I have to wait another week until we are again reunited. Meh.

Stay tuned this week, for: more conferences, lesson plans on the United States Congress, the Byzantine Empire and a class discussion on legalization of marijuana.

Anybody feel like switching lives for a week?! :)


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