Thursday, December 16, 2010


I just feel the need to say this. I am COMPLETELY DONE WITH COLLEGE FINALS!

Forever! I can't even describe how good it feels to TYPE those words! And finals weren't even that bad this year! I only had two, which is probably the smallest amount of exams during a finals week I've ever had. And they weren't terrible. Of course, I say that all the time just so that I don't lose my mind if a test was really hard, but I'm confident this time around!

Other updates... The senior presentations went really well on Monday, I thought. My paper was on educational television for children through out the last fifty years... and I thought I did a good job. One of the most intimidating parts of the presentation is the question and answer section AFTER your presentation. This consisted of the BU history department professors grilling each and every senior with hard questions after their talks. And my questions? Piece of cake. Some of them didn't make sense to me and I was a little irritated thinking that maybe they were doing it on purpose (not making sense) but most of them were really actually nice and asked questions that were easy to answer. I am still hoping to talk to my advisor before today is over so that I can hear what he thought, since he was there and did ask a few questions himself. But yes, other than that? It went great! :)

Yesterday I found out that I will be student teaching three periods of 10th grade U.S. history in the Spring. I also got in touch with my cooperating teacher over the last week, who happens to be a friend of my mom's! I just think its so awesome that I put in no requests and got placed exactly where I needed to be. It takes a lot of the pressure off when I get nervous thinking about student teaching.

I leave tomorrow for Florida! FINALLY! It's been two and half looooong months since Dusty and I have seen each other. I really can't believe that... It honestly feels like just yesterday, I was sitting here typing out my post from the Florida trip, first time around. Time really flies, and yet sometimes it feels like its dripping molasses. We are spending Saturday at Disney World :) I am kind of a huge nerd and love ALL things Disney and so this is our Christmas present to each other. I can't wait. We got to go to Disneyland a couple of years ago in California and had a great time so I am sure Saturday will be just as fun. I'm also excited to see my cousin again and celebrate his 23rd birthday on Tuesday! Happy Birthday Reid!

I feel like there are a million and one other things to update on. Christmas banquet the other night was a blast. Getting dressed up was super fun. Spending time with my best friends from the last 4 years is ALWAYS a treat! And? The food was actually good this year! We had banquet at International Market Square in Minneapolis this year and as usual, it looked awesome. I got a new phone a couple weeks ago! My old one was acting funny and when I went into the Verizon store to fix it, they told me I had a free upgrade. So I decided to finally shed my rinky-dink phone ways and got a Blackberry. So far I really like it! It's weird being able to do things on a phone like check emails, facebook, and pretty much whatever else... But I'm gonna go ahead and stop right there because I'm sure the majority of you have already experienced this new thrill years ago. I think I might be the last person in the world to get a smart phone.

I guess I'm running out of things to update on for now... Hope everyone is doing AWESOME this holiday season and loving life! What other choice to you have, really?! There are a million and one things to be happy about ALL THE TIME!

Merry Christmas! Can't wait to post pictures from Florida on here for all to drool over... and, I can't wait to have my BF in Minnesota over the break.

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