Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday... what's on your mind?

Here is what I've been thinking about on this Wednesday:

-Harry Potter 7 part 1.... in 36 hours.

-This song:

-Twitter-ing (@casleimil, just made it and struggling to sum up my thoughts in 140 characters)

-Visiting Dustin Wade Wahl exactly one month from tomorrow!!!

-Greek Civ term paper is due on Monday and I can't quite think of 12 pages worth of material on the Plague of Athens... suggestions?

-Thanksgiving Break starts a week from today... THANK GOODNESS for the extra day off this year.

-Not quite sure what to think of being completely done with classes forever in less than a month.......

-Snow must melt, I can't take this weather this early in the year.

-But I do love the holidays, and as long as I've mentioned one song already, here is my favorite Xmas song on the radio every year:

-I need a nap.

-I secretly snapped the best picture ever taken
