Well.. I guess I really did a great job on keeping up with BLOGGING. Oops.
Sometimes I wonder about what I write online.... One, do people even care about the things I say? The blogs I follow (yes I am an avid blog follower) are so entertaining and addicting!! What do I have to share that is even remotely interesting to people other than myself? Eh. Oh well. I'm sure I have a close enough circle of friends, many of them who spend enough time online like I do, who will read it if I bug them about it enough. I said that mainly with AH in mind :)
Two... What do you write about to keep a blog goin? I don't really know. I have a scattered brain so I am just going to write about what's on my mind or heart. I do have people (family, friends) across the country who may be interested in keeping current on my life and I'm hoping that it allows for me to stay in contact with everyone as well?? Ah the wheels in my brain are turning. Oh and... I just weighed in on three of my five roommates and they say the blog is a good idea. HERE GOES NOTHIN. Again.
I am usually not a very sad person by choice, but today was a sad-der (is this a word) day. Dusty left. For those of you who don't know Dusty, although I don't know why anyone reading this wouldn't know him, he is my amazing, hot, funny, goofy, weird-o boyfriend of nearly two years. And he left. The plan is that he is going to end up in Southport, North Carolina to live for a period of about five months just to do something different. The next month of September however is a time for him to just travel. He is planning on hitting major cities in the midwest and east coast, as he has never traveled there. It's been a long road to get to this day, especially for us as a couple, but it happened. We said our goodbyes, I cried all day (well, kind of) and I'm trying to figure out when it will hit me that I don't get to see my bestest best friend in the world every day anymore. I hate change, guys. Anybody a fan of it? Cuz if you are, I'd love to know how to enjoy it. Example, I walked through BU today and old market was gone. What the heck!!!! I loved old market. It's now classrooms and offices, and I hated it. So yea, now my guy is gone for an unknown amount of time to pursue adventure and as thrilled as I am for him to go, I am so sad that I have to adjust to not having him here. I have been thinking all day about what the next few months are going to be like and I have come to a lot of conclusions. But mainly, I know these things to be certain: I have a great group of friends that I can lean on and grow with in this time apart from Dust. I have a great year ahead of me being a senior in college and figuring out just what I want to do with life. I have an amazing Father who loves me, who will NEVER leave me, and I have so much room to grow and trust and believe in Him, even more. And I have the opportunity to experience all these things on my own, independently during this time. It is the hardest thing to admit, but this time is a blessing! And I am going to take advantage of it... partly because, I don't have a choice! But also because it's an adventure. "It's a different kind of adventure" (quote from my dear mother). But an adventure none the less. Life is funny. I enjoy it, but today, sucked. That's all I have to say about that. Just felt like sharing a bit on what's been going on.
In other news. I guess I'm the last person in the world to find out that there is no class tomorrow, except night class, which of course I have at 6 pm. I really am looking forward to school again though, I get a little sick of life with no routine. I really do need to gear up for the whopping 12 credits I have under my belt this semester. At least some routine is better than no routine!
What do you guys think of my third blog post? Do I have any followers at all?
On a completely unrelated note, if you have never watched this/heard this song before, WATCH IT! I am dying. I could listen to it a million times and not get sick of it. I love youtube.
Oh and one more thing, I went to the State Fair yesterday with Dusty and his sister and ate my weight in pure crap. The pic at the top is a little token of love taken from the fair that I have been looking at all day with sad eyes. I love him a whole lot.
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