Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The very first one...

I have to confess... I have posted to this blog before. I wrote a long entry on a lightening storm that occurred last summer. It was a really good post, too, but after reading it, I just thought to myself, blogging just isn't my thing...

So I thought. Many people probably don't know that I really love to write. I have countless stacks of journals that I have written over the years, all tucked safely under my bed in a big plastic bin. The first one started in 1999 when I was a 5th grader. From there, I have always kept and maintained a journal which is actually a great way to stay collected through fun times, hard times, and weird times.

I have thought several times about what I might say to start my own blog. I am not much for introduction, so I decided today, I'll just kind of start. Here it is. And who knows who might follow my posts, if anyone. It doesn't really matter. I am hooked on the blogworld and decided to finally give in and join the fun. It may have helped that my best friend has started up a blog herself. And this girl is NOT the blogging type, you wouldn't think (Hi, Jackie!) So anyways, yes. Not so interesting as of yet but I am only getting started. Who knows where this might take me.

I actually might even let you into my world before this by starting something new, at least its new to me. Maybe I should be bold and post some former journals entries from all those that I have kept in the past? It might be a fun way to reminisce myself and share with others how dorky and goofed up I once was. I dunno. I will think about that idea :)
See ya.


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