I am updating my blog as a very special treat.
But since I have been absent
(You may have thought I wouldn't come back!)
I have decided to get creative- this is a poem!
Cut me some slack.
It was a pleasant day in August when I was shopping at the mall,
When to my surprise I had an unknown phone call
This call was from a school, with a job to which I had applied
I expected not to hear a word... but could at least have said I tried
But to my surprise my stomach dropped when they asked me to come in
They would like to interview, I said yes with a nervous grin
And in a chain of insane events I found myself employed
And starting school in just three days- my confidence was destroyed
For not only was I stepping in to a situation unknown- but I had to quit my other two jobs
Where I really felt at home
Nonetheless I prayed it through and started school with a bang
Four classes and forty students a day- might not sound that insane
But I am teaching in a place that isn't quite the norm
It's an alternative setting where kids have faced the storm
Of struggling through traditional school and falling through the cracks
But I was on a mission to let them know- Ms. Wahl has got your back
In the meantime fall came in full force to give me a fresh breath
There are days when just the crisp fall breeze helps when I feel like there's nothing left
This job has presented challenges that make me want to scream
But then I have those moments- breakthroughs- where the students make me beam
Like the day a student told me that he learned when teachers smile
Or when I was absent due to sickness "Ms. Wahl I missed you- Ain't seen you in awhile!"
Or when I have a moment that I question what I do
And I grade a test that shows me that with the students, I'm getting through
Updates on my family life? Dust and I are doing great
He has put up with quite a bit since I started as of late
He still is loving his job at school-
And is thinking about going back to school (can only get so creative)
The coolest thing about this job is seeing the work of The Lord
I find myself always content and NEVER feeling bored
God knew that this was where I had to be this year
He told me to put all trust in HIM- Although I still have fear
The Lord knew that it would work great when Dusty sold his car
To place me at a job that really wasn't far
We are down to just one car but spend every day
Chatting on the way to work- amazing, what more can I say?
So now I am a teacher I thought I'd never see the day
They tell you jobs are out there but to that I say no way
I'm so content, insanely busy, every day is new
But I wouldn't trade anything for what I get to do
I promise to update more but had to update first
I hope you have enjoyed this blogpost written in Verse.
The end. I got a job, that's why I haven't written. Even though most people who read this already knew that. XO