Welcome to my third blog post that has a question for a title.
So... I did kind of a bold thing recently.
I put the URL for my blog on Twitter.
That's significant for a couple reasons. One, I've never really just put it out there
where you can read this page. And two, ever since I started writing on here, I've felt kind of embarrassed about letting just anybody read. The funny thing about the internet, is that it really is an avenue for saying WHATEVER you want, and not feeling the uncertainty or embarrassment of "Wait... did I really just say that out loud?" Because you DIDN'T actually say it at all! You typed it. It's like the days of 8th grade when I would spend countless hours on AIM (Screen name: Casadia1121, although I never, ever sign on anymore). I could chat with tons of friends, boys, people I didn't really even know that well from school, say whatever I wanted, and see that person in the hallway next morning and not exchange a single word. That, to me, is ridiculous. Funny, but ridiculous. So sometimes I would think the same about what I wrote on here. While very few people actually read this blog... I feel like I still would worry over what people would think after reading what I wrote, and seeing me in person. Normal feelings, but kind of dumb if I really want to continue writing on here. Which I do! So with that being said, I want to declare just a couple things:
1. I realize that not many people actually do read "Here Goes Nothin." And that's fine, but if you are a faithful reader, I would LOVE to know! Post a comment, or at least let me know somehow. I would appreciate to hear from faithful readers.
2. In an effort to make the blog more readable, I am going to make an effort to include pictures, or visuals to make things more visually appealing. At times, my posts can get quite lengthy with no attractive appeal. Who am I to think that anyone would want to read my blog just based on words alone? (Note: This post will be an exception to the rule). I am also attempting to learn more about HTML in my down time, trying to become more "tech savvy". I'm a work in progress, but I'm trying.
Last thing: I mentioned "Here Goes Nothin." I don't really like that name. I'm trying to think of something creative to change it to. I find it pretty cheesy, as I'm sure you do too. Suggestions?
Now in an effort to keep the topics of conversation diverse, and to blog on a wide variety of subjects, I would like to share the details on my new sustaining membership to Minnesota Public Radio. As a graduation gift, Dusty got me a year long membership because we are both really into The Current and we both wanted to give during the member drive, but couldn't really afford it. As a surprise immediately after my graduation ceremony, Dust informed me that I was now a member through his contributions. I just received my membership in the mail and found out I get some wicked sweet discounts. Check them out here: http://minnesota.publicradio.org/support/member_benefits.
Thanks Dust and thanks MPR! (PS... I also received "Live Current Vol. 6" and a subscription to Minnesota Monthly as part of my membership.)