Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The last few weeks

Well... once again I have gotten into a bloggin' lull and have been extremely busy with all kindsa stuff. First things first... I have THREE and a HALF WEEKS left of student teaching. Which to me, is just extremely insane. Like I literally can't believe it. I even have planned out the remainder of my unit for the final weeks and you have NO idea how big a burden that is lifted off my shoulders. WHEW.

Last Monday was my 22nd birthday, and Tuesday was Dusty's 23rd. We really enjoyed a full day of being the same age, as usual. Yesterday was our "official" two and a half year anniversary. Dust took me out to dinner at Don Pablo's (I have been craving Mexican lately) and unbeknownst to one another, we each had a little anniversary surprise up our sleeves. I just got Dust some cheesy card, but he made me one of the best mixes I've listened to in a long time. One of the things I love about Dusty is his taste in music. We both listen to the Current... do you ever listen to it? 89.3 for those of you in the Twin Cities. It's got a lot of local music played, which I love, but also has some great more alternative/old school tunes also. The mix featured two of my newest favorite songs... which you may sample:
First... "Will Do" by TV on the Radio.....

And second... "Triple Spiral" by Bright Eyes

Just a small taste of some great alternative jams.

Other than that I've been working about three nights a week, sometimes four, in addition to student teaching. So I kind of feel like I'm bouncing back and forth between Mahtomedi, Pres Homes, and my house while juggling Dusty, family, and friends on top of it. Makes for some pretty quick days, I tell ya. On the bright side, I have had a really great last couple of weeks at school. I really feel a connection with the kids I'm teaching, and it's starting to feel less like babysitting, and more like teaching-learning. For those of you out there who have experienced being on the teacher side of a high school, you probably know what I'm talking about. I am blessed.

Still no idea what I'm doing when I graduate... which is in...... about a month? Oh my gosh. Freak out! I've been trying to have a "live in the moment" attitude toward life after college... I feel like letting myself think about the future too far in advance just gives me extreme anxiety with no positive aspects. I have enough to get through in the short amount of time between now and graduating, and I really just need to take everything one day at a time. I am happy to know that this is NORMAL. Completely. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to float from cloud to cloud on a happy train to nowhere. I have plans to really crack down and find a job soon, I really do.

Friday morning I leave for Arizona. I'm spending Easter this year with Dusty's family and I'm really excited. We are meeting up with two of our good friends, Danny and Steph. I think they've been dating about two years longer than Dust and I... and they are so great. They both recently moved out to LA within the last couple of months and we miss them. It will be great to catch up. I'm excited to spend time with the Wahl-Saxon gang as well. Always a good time.

So that's a quick update... in a nutshell. I guess I shouldn't apologize for the blog-silence. Dusty's been back and that has been totally great, and I'm sorry to all you loyal readers, but I will gladly spend time with him over blogging any day ;-)